If you're soloing, just going with friends, or for some other reason don't want random entrants, please lock your parties! It's rather irritating to join a party and find yourself removed moments later because they didn't want another person. The option is in the social menu.
Please lock your parties!
I agree.
90% of the reason I never PUG in this game is because half the time you join a group, they kick you because they don't want you there.
Wow what douches!
I don't kick people from my parties simply because I don't want them there, that's ridiculous.
I almost always start a run solo, even though I want to group, simply to make sure I'm always the group leader. I'm not sure you should even be able to kick people from a group in this game.
Man, a few days ago, people were begging to be able to kick themselves from groups. Now they're complaining about getting kicked?
Honestly, there's no penalty for being kicked from a group (except perhaps extra load time?!). In my opinion that's a plus! Now you are the partyleader and you can kick other people and cause them to make angry posts on the forums.
Oh wait.
There's quite a difference between voluntarily leaving a group and being forced out of one. Sometimes you want to solo and sometimes you feel like grouping.
Kicking people does have its uses, admittedly; two circumstances that came up recently come to mind: one person just stopped moving and didn't respond to anything. Eventually got kicked after a few minutes so we could progress past a party button. In a weird case that happened twice [both on arena floors, oddly enough] people were listed in the party and the doors refused to open, but they never loaded after a few minutes.
Usually the only time I can warrant kicking someone is to make room for another player, which I mean it sucks but they are going to pick their friends over you, sorry.
And when you get kicked out you don't get refunded the 10 energy you spent on entering that floor, right? Another reason to solo or only party with friends/guildmates.
Okay so, if they lock their parties you'd be soloing if they kick you, you'd be soloing.
Whats the problem again?
I really think you should just get used to it, I join random parties all the time for a quick shortcut to where I want to go JK,vendors,etc.And if I get kicked thats awesome more loot for me, if not I help them with their run 'till I've reached my destination.A lot of people do this and it allows for some interaction and co-operation with little commitment is quite convinient.
That being said they should perphaps rework the Joining party system, a party list on gates showing floor,name of leader,# of players and a title for said party( Ex. "LFG FOR VANADUKE PLEASE JOIN","Quick Vendor Run",etc) , possibly a password feature as long as theres a "not listed" option it shouldn't really hurt anybody and would make the whole partying experience more efficient.
Honestly, there's no penalty for being kicked from a group
10 CE.
You stay in the dungeon regardless you can just solo it, its not like it sends you to haven.
Sasano, you are incorrect. If they lock their parties, you'd be grouping with some other party. That's the basic issue.
Wow. I never thought there'd be disagreement over "Don't let people in your group if you don't want people in your group."
If they only wanted friends to enter their party, they should have marked "friends only" because we have a button for that
I've kicked people when I accidentally forgot to turn my filter on. I explained myself first, however.
Common courtesy dictates that if you did forget, you should inform the person you kicked as to why they were removed.
eh, when I join a party, I'm all for saving time, whether I get kicked or leave on my own, it matters little to me. I just wanted to skip a few levels. I do rarely kick others however.
This is grounds for a GM complaint, in my opinion.