Up to 7k crowns per 100CE and climbing. It was holding steady at 6k for a while.
Why is it suddenly going up?
Up to 7k crowns per 100CE and climbing. It was holding steady at 6k for a while.
Why is it suddenly going up?
Because of a certain mission giving out a ridiculous amount of crowns when played through. Whether or not this is a bug or intended I cannot confirm.
Is it likely to come down again? I'm sitting on 52kCE and this seems like a 50/50 opportunity to profit.
Yeah, that too, crowns inflation. People can get enormous amount of crowns from missions. They can redo any lvl they want, do arenas all over again - its a crown river. They dont have to pay entrance fee in missions (while in arcade you have to). Also due to missions relase you can jump in to any lvl you want with any monsters in it so if you need any type of mats, you can just do that mission right away and get them this reduced cost of mats, less trading, less CR going to fees. Also with basil buissnes ruined - same thing, less recipes sold - less crowns goes away as a fee.
All of this combined makes players overall have more crowns, and if they have crowns, they want to buy CE, a lot. Becouse of that CE price rises.
All thanks to newest OOO patches and relases. Just as they wanted. Higher CE price, the bigger chance someone will buy it with $$$.
Actually I think it is since they have done too many promos and p2ps (like myself but I have quit the game now) have just got fed up of them due to their constant reoccurrence.
big part is because of no good promotion going on right now.
small part is because some jerk has placed 900 lot bids at 6800 (the other day).---given the right ce environment, giant walls of WTB bids can force the market up. As the average joe can be pretty price insensitive about the need to buy small lots of CE. (if you have 50 ce and you want to finally craft that 4* gear into 5* you won't want to wait 5 days for a 900 lot to be bought through and the market to go back down). So now you have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people trying to buy small lots, and this temporarily pushes the CE market up 50-100ce and holds it there. usually until another promo happens.
And lastly, the new supply depot (just as i said it would) is going to force the market up and keep it up for awhile. CE prices stay lower when there is a turnover of crowns, ce, gear, and commerce. Just the natural turnover of economy (even if you think: wait, if people need CE to unbind gear, wouldn't that push it up?), a healthy interlayer economy, serves to keep CE prices manageable. This is one of the reasons why it is a bad thing when OOO undercuts the player to player economy by selling 5* gear in supply depot for 3500 ce. It destroys a huge part of the player-to-player economy and puts that into its own pocket. in turn, the economy is less healthy. Less goods (of all kinds, ce, crowns, gear, accessories) are exchanged in game. Things stagnate, stagnation ALWAYS leads to higher CE prices.
(i think lots of people underestimate just how many players level'd gear to 5* and sold slightly above crafting + unbind costs. In that environment, CE has an easy come, easy go feeling. Its no big deal to sell CE, to buy CE, to trade CE for other stuff. You destroy the way 1m knights make 500-1000 ce a day, and all of a sudden everyone clutches there CE with a death grip. Then they see the CE market moving up, and that grip grows tighter. Next thing you know, CE has climbed from 5650 to 6900 ce and climbing. This trend will continue until OOO gives us a reason to relax, i.e. another promo that drives down the prices.) So yeah, this supply depot patch (more so than 12k vanaduke payout) is why the CE has jumped this most recent 300-400 cr per CE.
1. no promo.
2. jerks.
3. supply depot.
4. down-ward spiral, fear, self-fulfilling. (oh no, ce is going up. better hold mine tighter. then because everyone thinks its going to explode, everyone hoards there CE, forcing the market to shoot up. self-fulfilling prophecy)/
I think the last point is particularly true. People are playing the waiting game and wait for CE promo from OOO, instead of buying overpriced CE from people in #2.
Solution: discourage people in #2, create more frequent promotion for people in #4. Done.
I always assumed it was due to the supply depot charging CE for everything.
The economy's likely to just tank... be prepared for mass transit to alternative methods of entertainment.
If OOO can't pull a promo/nerf a certain mission anyway (you know, instead of calling blasphemy on certain bombs being strong as swords and spammable as they are, and leaving certain hammers the way they are)
glad i got myself a nice ammount of ce (if OOO finaly decides to give the remaining 3K back...) and an elevator pass =)
The new missions bring in a lot more crowns... those 8 to 9 ones added in the last patch can bring in 4k to 5k crowns for 30 energy, and many don't even include an arena. That's 15k cr on mist only, and you still get to make a firecracker with the last 10 mist. No wonder CE price is inflating so much...
IF you don't have to revive haha :D (ok 1 free revive then hehe)
at least the OP isn't starting a boycot haha. OOO should make a sticky that inflating CE prices are normal and close all the QQ topics. ok this one is more on what the reason behind it is and not about F2P not getting to the end game fast enough
If CE prices are going to hit 8k, I might cry. I just sold them for 7k each.
If you ever did 9-3 King of Ashes (FSC mission) you'll see the total amount of crowns given.
At least a whopping 11k.
And the last time I did FSC in the clockworks before KoA was released? 7.5k payout.
BIG DIFFERENCE. Why is this? I see a LOT of gold coins in KoA- by a lot, I mean, as much as TWO gold coins PER zombie.
The highest payout me and my guildies recieved was 13.3k. Yes, that's 50 energy FOR 13.3k crowns.
Apparently, too much cr now. In fact, I just earned 500CE worth of crowns in one day, and made my CoA (and the last time I made a 5* item was months ago!)
Getting to 4* is going to be harder than ever... :[
No CE promos - no CE income to game.
New missions - lot of ppl do them and if they dont have elevator pass they have to buy energy to afford elevators.