This would really be in new recruits, since i have 5* already, but i had made some bad weapon and shield and armor choices, and i need to re-do.
ok, to start off, i know people love to use an armor set, but im not going to o that, so i can get the most spread defense as possible.
Im on edge about what shield to get.
I dont know about what to get for general usage, for one, i WONT use any shiny shields, they attract beggars, and im not a fan of hiding my armor under proto.
Im seriously thinking about a heater shield, although ive heard some bad things about it, im wanting most a shield with very high health, but one like an omega shell with only normal id kinda meh, so i want to know your ideas.
For weapons, this is more about lockdown as much as about the clockworks, im thinking about a gran faust and storm driver, shadow and elemental.
I know they both have one issue in common: 2 hit combo
that 2-hit combo is seriously making me reconsider.
For armor, im currently after radiant silvermail (piercing, shadow)
and a nameless hat (normal, elemental)
the hat will put a buff on my gun, wich i tend to relie on alot.
And the silvermail will put a dmg buff on undead, and id like to know if that buff effects swords only, or my gun as well.
any critism and suggestions are welcome ;)
(im also looking for stuff that goes good together, doesnt look ridiculous, IE: wolver hat with drake armor, makes you look huge headed)
I can point out a huge issue right off the bat:
"i WONT use any shiny shields, they attract beggars, and im not a fan of hiding my armor under proto."
^That right there. Not using a good shield like Owlite simply because it's "shiny," as you put it, is a big mistake. It provides good bonuses that you will miss out on just because you don't want people to beg. I have honestly never had many problems with beggars even while wearing full Skolver with a few obvious accessories and a Barbarous Thorn Shield. Get stuff because it's useful, not because it looks good or doesn't attract beggars. That's what costumes are for.