Some of you may know me, as I post in the forums quite often. Recently, I got into bombing. As in, decided to craft a full mad bomber and play around with hazes and vortexes in fsc. Throughout the entire time, I've always had my DA as my primary. But I've decided to stow it away, and add a Rss to my loadout. Full bomber, you might say. This I shall be using in both group and solo
What I want to learn is, some tips on the usage.
My previous loadout:
Full mad bomber
And the DA is going to be replaced by the Rss. I appreciate any tips you guys can give me :)
Edit: Yes, this is for fsc.
The biggest and probably most important thing to think about with RSS is having as many shards as possible hit. The best enemies to train this on would be zombies and retrodes due to their moving swipe attack.
Though this might be kinda vague...