Sword Ideas! Because guns are for pansies

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Legacy Username
  • Sword idea #1: Sword's attack power is a multiple of the inverse of your health remaining percent.

    Example: You have full health. 100% = 1. 1^-1 = 1. Sword attack = 1x = x. Sword attack remains at the same level.

    Example: You have half health. 50% = .5. .5^-1 = 2. Sword attack = 2x. Sword attack has now doubled.

    Example: You have a quarter health left. 25% = .25. .25^-1 = 4. Sword attack = 4x. Sword attack has now quadrupled.

    Rationale: This might make more people take risks in order to get "massive damage numbers". However, because you would try to remain at a lower health in order to take advantage of the damage bonus, you can also die more easily.

  • Sword idea #2: A charged attack that takes a while to charge, but drains health on a successful hit (percentage of damage done). Enemy gets stronger.
  • Sword idea #3: Pulsing Falchion of Chaos

    Normal attacks: create breakable walls in the arc of the sword swing (any attack or projectile will destroy them)
    Charge attack: Causes stuff to happen based on the probability of the following table. Positive effects will be denoted by a +, while negative effects will be denoted by a -. Positive effects are more likely to happen.

    Very Rare
    +Instakill (does not work on bosses).
    +Heal yourself for a couple bars of health (maybe percent based?)
    -Stuns self for a period of time that increases as your health gets lower.
    -Recoil! Deal 10% of your remaining health in a 360 arc around you. Everything, including yourself, is affected.

    +Massive cloud of one of the following status effects: fire, freeze, shock, poison. Does not effect allies.
    +Giant earthquake that inflicts stun in a 360 arc around you. Does not effect allies.
    -Curses self for a period of time that increases as health gets lower.
    -Buffs nearby foes with nasty stuff.

    +Bubble forms around you that not only absorbs a certain amount of damage, but also deals a certain amount of damage to melee attackers.
    +/- Items are locked for a time, but for the duration of the effect, no new status effects can be acquired
    +/- Enrages nearby enemies to focus their efforts solely on killing you. (may result in teabagging)

Maybe you can combine #1 and #2 as well?

Shoebox's picture
This sounds bad

If things die before they have a chance to hit you, how is that balancing gameplay?
It would just make swords the new thing, everybody would run around with gear that just gives the maximum amount of Normal Resistance and a shield that resists Fire.

I would much rather see monsters become smarter than swords do quadruple damage when you have low health.

Legacy Username

I was kind of thinking about the levels with a bajillion projectiles in the air. You're really going to be toe'ing a fine line.

Maybe give that low health sword some other sorts of disadvantages, like slower movement speed.

Shoebox's picture
Once upon a time, there was a Gingerbread Man

Having low health doesn't disable the use of your shield.

I've gone through levels with half a bar of health left and not died before.

Having quad damage on a sword and the right gear to counteract any negative things associated with it, would turn the Brandish into the most powerful weapon in the game.
I mean, with max health, 25% is still five bars.

Not a lot deals that much damage.

I mean Runescape has that Dharok's set that increases your damage by hundreds when you're at 1HP and people abuse the hell out of it.
Seems like a bad idea to give people that kind of damage when there's no actual negative repercussions.

What melee need isn't souped

What melee need isn't souped up gimmicks, it needs maneuverability.

Faster shield deployment and better movement speed when shield is up can make alot more difference than making stuff go GRAH. I also don't see why melee weapons don't get a dodge option on the side, pretty much all enemies have it and this function could make melee more usable instead of making ranged weapon obsolete.

Legacy Username
Some "physical combat" weapon

Some "physical combat" weapon ideas (not just swords):

1. Swords should actually be piercing damage. With the possibility of a "crit" causing some sort of status affect. ("Bleeding"?)
2. Things like shovels and hammers should have increased knockback and stun damage.
3. Monsters can stop you from moving past them. Why can't you stop a monster from moving past you? With a physical contact weapon -- especially a longer one -- your zone of control should be larger

The combination of "Knockback" plus "you can't pass me" would give a real front-line effect without any need for anything else.

Giving some weapons piercing damage means that they could do a bigger impact on most creatures, but not quite so nice on jellies. And, of course, there is a shovel already for the jellies; letting it thwack them back, possibly stunning them as well, frankly guns look less effective except for behind the front line.

Legacy Username
There was a dream

What if the more the damage was boosted, the less shielding your shield would give?

And yes, I agree that dodging is also another option, but it could be abused the hell out of. :)

Legacy Username
faster shielding rockz!

actually, i quite can't shield, because of my lame computer...i can shield long ranged quite well, but at melle, well, the animation of the enemi striking begins when, actually, the attack is to near to let me shield it. So, to shield efectivelly, i need to foresse the next attack when i'm actully begining my attack....but, this is most because i have a lame computer...but faster shielding would help.
Dodging would be good, but only if you could do it with melle, because giving it to ranged would overpower it too much (more than it is now).

Legacy Username
> So, to shield efectivelly,

> So, to shield efectivelly, i need to foresse the next attack when i'm actully begining my attack....but, this is most because i have a lame computer.

Hey, join the club, that's exactly what I do on my mac

Legacy Username
The same happens for me and I

The same happens for me and I have a great computer with a great connection.

Legacy Username
Your ideas Hell, to the

Your ideas
Hell, to the no
This is like giving players with tons of CE a free pass for destruction
Think about it
Players with CE will abuse the low health-high damage, because they can revive themselves

and your weapon ideas?
They're way overpowered
Your basically just giving people a superpass for destruction, again, lol
These ideas could never work, in my opinion
Just because someone seems cool, doesnt mean it can work

Legacy Username
so, someone is trolling with us

Well, i hadn't had a sigle problem in a friend pc...his pc is quite the monster (think about playing WoW at max, while having starcraft 2 open in background at almost max, and play with only the ping). I was able to do a good run, with good fights, where i actually could do some things, like shielding (still, laggy, but i think it is problem with something that i will tell later), but the maps still logged quite slowly. Also, compatibility mode transformed my screen in a full white screen of dead on that computer.
Now, the problem, apart from ping and connection (at least, what i believe), is that the effect and the graphics loads apart from each other, and the data from the effects oads clearly faster than the graphics. So, when a tortodrone rushes, it loads the effet of rushing, going from point A to point B, and hitting you in that point faster than the graphics of him doing so. So, when the graphics are loaded and finally shown to you, the effects are already done, so, if you didn't used your shield before the effect load, it will mean nothing to do it while the graphic is in motion. A solution would be make so the fects only enter in...effect...at the same time the graphics loads...but how to do it is another history (i'm no programer)

Legacy Username

I don't see how that is -any- different from the ranged game at the moment.

Other than the massive lag caused at Lord V's level, I have not died a single time. I started with the Proto Gun, then moved to the Prismatech Alchemer. Now at the Firotech Alchemer.

Legacy Username
But your trying to stay

But your trying to stay alive
If your system is put in
Then players will want lower health for more damage
Players with Crystal energy would abuse it, and die as many times as needed, to kill a boss or mini boss
Its just too sketchy
And way overpowered
The sword system is fine as it is