Ok so i thought this was an idea for everyone :3
skype name:
did you use steam?:
are you funny?:
I will add as soon as i see the post
Ok so i thought this was an idea for everyone :3
skype name:
did you use steam?:
are you funny?:
I will add as soon as i see the post
Yogicat is saying that they wish to start a Spiral Knights "Let's Play", and they are putting out an application for people who wish to join it. He will add you as soon as you complete it and post it.
"name?" The name for the account you wish to use with the "Let's Play".
"age" Self-explanatory.
"skype name" Your Skype account. Apparently its necessary since they wish to communicate a lot during the recording.
"did you use steam?" Is your account tied to steam? (No idea why they would want that).
"are you funny?" As is.
And that's all there is to it.
Name: Penutz
Age: 16 Years
Skype Name: reesepeanut
Steam: CritHitPeanut - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030420968
Are you funny?: As funny as can be!
Let me know when you're doing this Let's Play, as I have a somewhat hectic schedule with school and all...
wth is Let's Play? just run around doing normal clockwork/mission stuff? or something more exciting?
Basically, someone tries to become the next Nicoya.
As Alynn indicates, a Let's Play series tends to work best with games that flow in a clear chronological order, i.e. linearly. My suggestion would be to have some sort of plan or flow planned out, such as certain stratums, boss levels, danger room tour, etc.
I'd be glad to join in, though I don't have skype.
Name: Fehzor
Age: 18 Years
Skype Name: -
Steam: #FF6EB4 - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/infp
Are you funny?: In the words of Sarah Palin "YOU BETCHA!!!"
hmmm i might join in. need to know when it would be
my real name??
(in game)name: Diamondshreddie
age: ... 17
skype name: SuiSuigraal (Dont judge!!! i play other games too Dx)
did i use steam?: yes i did use steam, that was right now... ohh the memories (but srsly my steam. ame is still Diamondshreddie)
Am i funny?: .. no... although ive been told i am .... /derp
is there any kind of criteria? .. do we have to start from t1 or are you gonna go right from finishig crash site, to sayig hello to Friend Diamondshreddie who is wearing a merc demo set with voltaic tempest and more XD? usually lets plays are start=>finish XD but this is an MMO... or are we gunna do like nicoya?? :O
Name: Balderus, Bladder rust, Baldy, Jonathon.
Age: 19 but when I smile, I look creepy so I'll say 23.
Skype name: Pfft, you funny. You actually think I have a Skype? Well I don't and it's Dabluemonkey42.
Do I use steam?: Dabluemonkey, It reeks of rabies and screencaps.
Am I funny?: I have a pseudo-British accent and I like to insult myself so yes.
Additional info to make me seem cooler than everyone else: I've gotten all of the achievements, done 2 shadowlairs, look pretty whilst wearing bombs for heads, sometimes spin when guardin' and bombin', play All three tiers of Lockdown whilst abusing trinkets, and I can type really fast when I'm dead.
I'm totally not desperate for companionship and youtubeness.
A Let's Play is basically when a player (or a group of players) records him/herself clearing a bunch of levels in a game with some sort of linear path, then provides a commentary.
I'm no pessimist about let's plays, but let's play doesn't generally work with MMORPGs, as it will never end.
Not to mention this Nicoya you speak of is already doing this, let's plays are generally commentary to provide exposition on a game, to show and talk about it so others can understand, and it's most-effective on unique and lesser-known games.
Since this is an MMORPG (and while this game is unique, it's not overlooked as often since MANY people play it), and since someone else is already doing this game, it's likely that this will be an overshadowed project, not to mention there won't be much different to talk about from the other let's player since most of these updates have been done by him already.
And no, let's plays are not Vblogs, in case anybody thinks that.
That being said, I'm not saying you can't, it's just not likely to work out, doing let's plays is more of a hobby than something to accrue youtube fame with like most people seem to do it for.
All correct, except for the part about Nicoya. He recently quit.
thank you everyone for applying people who are in are:
Please add me on skype because i added you :3
More people can still join
It's 12:45 where I am right now. I'll add you on Skype/Steam when I get home from school (3:00).
A crucial element to most "Let's Play" is crowd-sourcing the decision making process.
Translated to SK it would be apropos to step on the gear mat at the start of each level and have the watchers determine which equipment from the available arsenal should be taken into that level.
No, its not. A Let's Play is basically a playthrough of the game with commentary.
A Walkthrough is the same, sans commentary.
Having audience input is not a necessity, unless there is an oppurtunity to do so, it remains up to the Let's Player to choose what they do next.
Generally, LP's of MMOs and open world style games (for example, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, GTA, Minecraft, an exceptionally large chunk of MMOs) aren't viewed as particularly good, since they tend to drag on for long periods of time with very little new content.
However, if you plan on showing off the missions, than its all good.
My skype name is ngamer99 and my steam is private sorry
Point taken. The LP's I have been involved in relied upon crowd sourced decision making so it skewed my perspective. "Let's Play" is, according to the general rule of play, a misnomer; it should be called "Watch Me Play" as it involves no crowd interaction.
If you got in Please come on skype right now because we are going to begin
Unfortunately, because of my schedule and time zone differences, I won't be able to play with you guys. I'm sure you understand.
Skype name:GarlicVeggison
Do you use steam:No
Are you funny:Depends