As I just sold some Divine Dragon Wings for 8kce (which would have been 9kce not too long ago...), what should the worth of these items be based on?
Should it be CR or CE?
Should the price of said items go up along with exchange rates? 9.99 will always be 3500CE, but with the CR to CE rates I'm not even sure if selling vanilla items is worth the trouble anymore.
EDIT: I'm honestly considering just selling all that I have right now that is of worth and just play with money as I used to. It has become cheaper for me to spend less time grinding for CE and just use my own money. Too much time is invested just to extend play time without money. I can't imagine how hard it will be for f2p crafters in the future.
But yeah, the economy is a bit confusing and to be fixed up quite a lot. Either way, itll eventually settle soon. Items should be based on CR and CE, but up to the seller how much, since in the end its the same money (CE varying largely in worth though)