Awww yah!! Volc wolver tail in featured AH.
Hizzle yizzle. We haven't had a piece like this in the AH since...what? Saturday?
HEY! You know what would be great? If the featured AH had the same damn things in it day after day after week after week after month after... I mean, i just want a divine mohawk. Unfortunately only one was ever put on the game (featured AH, not lockbox-->go figure). But hey. All items should be eventually more rare than prism wings/divine wings/volc wings and prism/divine/volc tail. No new anything for anyone. Same old same old.
Holy crap!! I see why people always write incoherent, atrociously punctuated forum posts! That was fun!
To me, it seems like they have automatic timers on the same items being put up again and again. New stuff pl0x!