I genuinely prefer the old system wherein all recipes for many lines could be bought from Kozma at the Bazaar. But NOW, I have to do mission after mission to get to the 'Hall of Heroes' and then what? Only 2* recipes! Turns out, I need a ranking of 5-2 to get it. IT IS A WASTE OF TIME, PEOPLE. OOO seems to have forgotten that there are some people who play without spending ANY real-world money. I get only 100 me a day, and those so-called missions give me practically nothing from it. All I can say is if I get some 400 cr per mission, then something's WRONG.
Who hates the new 'Hall of Heroes' thing?

I like the new hall of heroes. I don't have to search endlessly for obscure recipes or deal with a 10k markup at the AH.

Pretty much what Wuvvums said.
I don't really want to pay a 3k markup on a Divine Veil recipe, or a Grey Owlite Shield recipe.

Basil looks in on this thread, and sheds a single tear.

Even with Basil having a more restricted supply of recipes I'm still having issues wrangling a Divine Avenger recipe from him.
Though, now that I have the Warmaster Rocket Hammer I'm not in any rush to get the DA recipe...

If your having trouble getting 3*(or higher) recipes because you dont have clearence i can go to the tier 3 hall of heros, and buy the recipes for you then sell them to you at the original price.

Except all recipes from Hall of Heroes bound on acquiring so you can't really do that.

What's really awesome is getting a duplicate 5* recipe from a mission reward and selling it to a NPC for 50 CR.

If you miss basil, GO TO THE TERMINALS!
I really need to fix my comp. I need my TSC upgrade and go into the Arcade....
Note that the early missions are even worse for long-time F2P players such as me. I wasted days of mist going through them when I could get a lot more going back to the clockworks.
Everyone has to go through the same low ranking missions to get to the better ones. So just spend the few days and grind through them. You know in F2P you are trading patience for the free service? If you want instant-gratification you have to pay.
Once you hit 5-2 you won't have a big problem with crowns (if CE price stays around 7k). The 5-2 mission "Rise or Fall" gets you 2.8k to 3.4k for the 30e cost. The JK mission gives less crowns but provides jelly gems to compensate.
If you have an urgent need of crowns, sell the mission item rewards you don't use to AI vendors.