I've been gone for a while, and I noticed when I came back that my silversix had gone from pierce/ele to pure ele. Does this mean the Sentenza is worth making as a shadow gun, or is Umbra driver/biohazard still better?
Sentenza worth getting?
Biohazard wasn't the go to gun for dps, if my perception of it is correct.
Yes, sentenza is indeed worth getting, especially for gremlins. The gun now has bonus vs grems. It will outdps umbra on single targets, and umbra will only outdps it if you get in a good amount of ricochets.
Greetz - Imma Master Gunslinger, I got all of them and i can say you that you should pick your gun for the situation you need it for. For example Sentenza is the best gun at PvP and against Gremlins, due the Alchemer is getting dodged all the way. Well no Wall'O'Text so i fix write it down:
+ superior PvP
+ superior against Grems
+ easy aim for single target dmg
+ great mobility while in use
+ no reload if you just wait a sec after 5 shots (perma shoot)
+ since "fix" awesome dps
- for multi target dmg (hit between 2 enemies) kinda hard
- medium against masses of enemies
- no CC
- useless charge
Umbra Driver
+ great against jellies
+ great against masses
+ useful charge
+ good dps
- without "shot, wait, shot, wait" bad shielding ability
- much weaker against grems than the other shadow guns, but not useless
+ massive fun!
+ poison debuff wich decreases attack damage and defense and let them get damage from heals (jelly king~, gremlin mendors)
+ awesome against masses of enemies
+ perfect at danger rooms
+ aviable against jellies and grems
+ good CC
+ zoning against gremlins (they try to stepback multiple times from a bullet)
+ very fast charge
- slow bullets
- average single target damage
- hard to aim with if you are not alone in party (not all mobs follow you)
- stupid allies focus the mobs with your charges on it ...
Any questions good sir? :D
Wow, thanks for the info! You've given me lots to think about.
Feel free to ask me more or add me ingame :) But if you add me just say plz that you are that guy from the forums etc because i get added often xD
alchmer if you whont to be in the safe side
but senteza is for gremlins
and bio for slimes
Alchemer is also good against slime but just kinda hard against grems. Any Piercing weapon is better there. I does anyway not make a massive difference - take wich is fun for u :)
Biohazard has that funny thing where the bullets are so slow that gremlins dodge them twice then walk right back into them. Wont work if someone is hitting them with a sword since the knockback pushes them out of range though.
Oh and as mentioned swordies appear to love killing the enemy with charge orbs on for some reason.
What was that about Umbra and gremlins again?
They tend to cluster up great for group shots.
@ Aureate: Are you kidding me? That's a terrible DpS! You have to see the overall damage, not just ever 5 years the clustered supershot! You can exactly see how bad the Umbra is against grems! Umbra tries to damage them directly, there is nothing else it can do. And the damage is bad.
The Biohazard is for zoning and poison the grems, wich will let them suffer from their own menders. But this is just an additional fact wich is mainly great at danger rooms and arenas. At the gremin levels...
...the Sentenza deals great. Undodgable attacks with a way higher dps than Umbra and Bio.
To be honest - against Gremlins, every shadow gun will be outdamaged by the Blitz Needle, wich with it's charge attack will stun lock on hit. There is no better gun than the BN against these mobs in the gremlin levels. No other gun will even come a bit near it's dps.
I'm sorry, I explain ^^ :P DpS is Damage per second. This means as you see the Umbra driver deals sometimes great damage with its charge, but in the other hand, you have to spend so much time up to a good shot. The damage per second with other weapons is much better, that one of Umbra is really terrible.
Everything clear now? :)
Umbra is great for the initial mobs of gremlins they like to throw at you, but you may want to bind a key to auto aim if you want you take out individual ones. It takes 3 shots to kill a darkfang with umbra, so just take that into consideration. What it boils down to is that umbra has spectacular crowd control, but meh single target damage. Biohazard is pretty hard to use on gremlin too. Even if it does poison, you're going to have a tough time landing that charge and detotating it on or near a mender. You don't want it for DPS there without a team. Biohazard is much easier on slimes, which don't typically dodge that much.
(As you can see, I've had a promotion. I'm no longer a lowly Devilite.)
IMO, Sentenza is the superior gun here. Bio is best for Slimes overall, Umbra for all (But doing a job not as good as Sentenza with Gremlins and Bio with slimes) and Sent for them dodging Gremlins.
Not as detailed as yours, but I try.
But for Gremlins, I would rather use a Callahan. . .
The damage isn't as good as a shadow weapon, or a BN, but I just like to snipe. I may have problems.
Oh, and me sticking with Shadowsun for all these months have paid off, haven't they.
Well hello my dear! Yes indeed I'm back :D After 3 months of not playing ^^ Nice to get that great "WB" of yours ^^
Sol-Xii did there a good point. Shadow guns arent the best vs grems. I just used Bio for control and umbra was useless. The old pierce / shadow Sentenza was crap too. Couldnt test the new one at t3 since i'm back :) However, Callahan can stunlock any grems and if you aim perfectly by yourself you even can stunlock multiple targets. And the best weapon against grems still is the Blitz Needle. Not even the shadow guns reach the same superior damage. It's really just ... how can i tell it ... it's not a battle anymore, its just a masacre :D
Welcome back Abathur ;)
I also support Callahan combi i still use calla shot bio clip combo if the enemy fewer in numbers
but since dodge nerfed bio tears them down no need for blitz anymore
dodge is nerfed? how? :O i didnt play 3 months so can you tell me plz?? :P
Umbra is for packs of slimes. Sentenza is for just about everything else, especially gremlins. Get both.
both are good at different things. umbra is better against groups (even against gremlins but only in tight areas); sentenza is more consistent for single target.
umbra does have better mobility than the sent though (if you want to maintain dps).
Alchemer: If you're good with the ricochets and like using the charge a lot for burst damage.
Sentenza: If you'd rather have easy-to-use single-target DPS.