Missions, the first DLC, HOH, etc.
IMO, I think missions has really expanded the game although I miss the recipe business.
Operation crimson Hammer, was disappointing for me because I had hoped SK would remain F2P entirely. If it had just been cosmetic items instead of weapons I probably wouldn't feel upset about it. I do. (I am not completely F2p, I have dumped a few $ into the game economy).
Missions in general. I am glad we now have a jump point straight to the RJP and they nerfed the money so the gate was still more profitable. I am a bit worried about CE prices because of the influx of crs. A few more crs sinks would be nice, like the way OOO fixed the early wacko prices. (featured auctions).
Supply depot: While it is nice to not have to heat up gear and be able to buy straight from supply depot, I know a few people who have been hurt by this. Also makes CE prices rise, because of the loss of CE in-game.
I still think the changes are good, maybe make 5* items more expensive at the supply depot, nerf some missions crownwise, and make operation crimson hammer available with CE.
Missions brought me back to this game, and I'm really enjoying myself. I blew through them all quickly, but they give me a quick way to get to the enjoyable depths, without spending half an hour or so wasting time(and mist) on floors that give little to no heat/cr. The Vanaduke mission gives an absolutely dizzying amount of CR, too, and I enjoy this. (Today I went from 1-29 in one run, got 16.2k. My average pull for a single vanaduke mission is 12.5k~)
Hall of Heroes removed one of my biggest complaints about the game - disgusting markup and a very small statistical chance of encountering my recipes after a lot of time and money being invested.
Supply Depot... I don't use it, so I have no real opinion.
The expansion mission costing money is perfectly fine, to me. Five bucks for two five star weapons and a neat new mission! Folks complain about it, but folks will complain about everything - and anyone who expects a company not to pull cash grabs like this is seriously delusional, and this is a very small cash grab - one less combo from a fast food place and you can be getting gremlined in the butt with a rocket hammer forevermore.
I'm a P2P player, but not a big spender. Usually just 1600 + ele pass a month or something.