I have play about 2 month. But I still not get it. Why the sleep status has been removed? Is the sleep permanently removed or being fix?
Why Sleep Status has been removed?

you might want to get a forum pic:
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You made a point there. And thanks for help me to get my profile picture :D

Don't forget about the sleep vials you can toss at monsters! Weather or not it is effective is up for another discussion.

Would you like it if there were 10 monsters attacking you and you cant move or shield?

what can i say,even if that did happen,i would still love it if they brought back the shrine of slumber.and besides,it would make the game even more challenging!(i would rant on about suggesting sleep weapons but i wont ;D )

Sleep is broken. Sure would make levels hard, but also immposible to complete.

little extra tip: when u put monsters to sleep, theyll heal, ( if youre alseep, you wont) but wont move.

Sleep is officially out of the game. Nick tweeted that Slooms no longer spawn from monster boxes.

*Note: this may be a glitch, but I can asure you this is true.
My friend (Battlemotar) was playing Spiral knights a few days ago, and then he got to this clockwork tunnel stage. He was messing around everywhere, lost a LOT of health, until he got to this place with some gremlin knockers. Then somehow, when he was hit, he fell ASLEEP! Proff that he fell asleep was that he was healing, couldn't move or do anything! Can this be fixed or something? (Note: Don't tell Battlemotar that I asked for this to be fixed. He loved getting that health back.)
it hasnt been removed... but its too damn rare. only slooms ( lil' blue lichens) have a chance to cause it, and since the shrine of slumber (and the sloombargos) were removed, they can only be found in monster cages. i found one in the wildwoods once, and sleep isnt fun at all. youre paralyzed and the sloom just keeps hitting you again and again until it wears off (or causing even more sleep).