hello, im fairly old in this game but i wasnt playing for a long time, and now we have a lot of really good weapons and sets.
im using kinda noob equips yet:
- dusker cap and coat
- 3* owl shield, building a dark thorn shield
- avenger, dark thorn blade
- blackhawk, silversix, industrial catalyzer
i want to make a new elemental sword, glacius or combuster (much faster than avenger/divine avenger; in a future probly a voltedge), and will make an acheron too for shadow.
so which one you guys think i should go for, fire or ice? there is a big difference or either will do?
also i pretend to finish my set in:
- snarbolax cap (normal/shadow)
- barabarous shield (normal/piercing)
- vog cub coat (normal/elemental)
is that good or its better to have both vog cub and snarbolax sets? maybe a skover too?
i mean, it is really worth the trouble to have a different set for different missions or a good set all-round is alredy enough for PvE?
all the armor u need for this game is Vog Skolver and Snarbolax
that's it