So I need a shadow gun because... well... because I need a shadow gun. Also, I've noticed that Biohazard and Sentenza are the only shadow guns that aren't part of the alchemer line (I don't like alchemers) and neither of them gets much love. I normally do Roarmulus and Royal Jelly runs and rarely FSC(but I'm guessing neither would be good for that). So I would like to know which gun is better as a sword/gunner hybrid?
Also, my 5* gear as of right now (not much to look at, I know):
Divine Avenger CTR Med
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Polaris Low Gremlin damage <====trolololololol
Dark Retribution
Divine Veil Low poison
Perfect Seerus mask Low shadow
Skolver Coat Low Poison
Radiant Silvermail
Barbarous thorn shield
It has higher single target dps than Biohazard, which has lackluster normal shots and is hard to use effectively in a team.