I have done all the missions. Now what?
Reached End Game, now what?

Get yourself a goal. For example me I wanna know everything about gun, carry all the guns and gunslinger equip. Long way to go :)

I want to get all achievements and build sets for all families and Lord Vanaduke (He's special). I am close to getting the sets. Just need to get a shield and a lot of CE.
There's also this:
No one is there, yet.
Missions completed? That's not endgame! :P
First, either craft one of every 5* in the game OR get 1-2 5* sets with all VH UV's + a costume with rare accessories.
After that, start manipulating the energy market and trolling the AH until you're bored with ce/cr for good.
When you're done with all of that:
Welcome to "endgame". Join the endgame trolls in the forum and do 1-2 fsc runs per day until end of time! Also, you among various other things are now officially allowed to kill your team mates when you're bored, ragequit any time you want and even rage-re-join how ever often you feel like it... you earned it :3.
GL & HF!

From Hall of Fame requirements:
"Herd all snipes into house in haven"
More like Hall of ****-****s (can't write what I mean here, just use your imagination, as long as your imagination is vulgar).

To me, End Game is beat final boss and accomplish everything the game can throw at you. I have done this. How so? I did a trip from 0 to 29 with out dying in one try.
I have beaten every boss. Done every mission. Reached the rank of Vanguard.
Troll the community? Please. Might as well say, "Ban me."

Unless you've done every single shadow lair without having to get party members who are much better than you to drag you to the end of each one, you haven't accomplished everything in the game.

And I would also say try and experiment with other play styles. I can handle pretty much anything SK can throw at me (aside from a few shock T3 danger rooms and haven't tried Darkfire Vana yet) with a sword set up, but I want to be able to say the same with guns and bombs. My gunner gear is almost ready to go, but I still need to work up my bombs and bomber gear. 4* and counting!
As has been said before, make a goal for yourself and reach it!

Get a whole bunch of weapon/armor sets. I've been playing almost every day since june's steam launch and I still don't have all the gear I wanted.

Ssssh its a good game. Play it again =]
You had fun right? that is all that is important :D
Epic credits xD
You should follow what they say
Near the end :D

Do my challenge!
Solo FSC and Vanaduke without needing more than 2 revives with ONLY
Proto Armor
Proto Helm
No shield
Goodluck getting there, no lifts allowed
I made it to D25 with a 80 rev.
now you quit