Two casual players looking for guild (couple)
Hey everyone,
Me & reap are looking for a guild. We're both casual players, and would like to join a casual guild that doesn't require you to be on at all times.
If anyone has spot for 2 casual gamers, who are also by chance a couple. Then do reply to this thread :)
You might also consider The Clockwork Armada. We have no tier requirement and are pretty laid back. We got several players all of which are fun to be around and most of us are casual gamers as well.
If you interested you could Message me Ingame at Avenged
Well there is a 3rd option for u!We are straw hat pirates!we have 65+ mems with a lot of active ppl!we often do jelly king and we are kinda chatty at times.So thats all and we have another couple which recently joined our guild...ok Just send me in game mail at Firevolt....Pirate it up!:D
Hello there :)
The Spanish Inquisition may be the guild you are looking for :)
We are very casual, with not requirements for being online. All we ask is that you are an active player (preferably online once a week or more, but not required). If you'd like, you can check out our website. If you like what you see, you can let us know you're interested by applying for an account on the site. Once I see that, I can send you both an invite in game!