Shield Idea
A simple idea that came to mind:
The ability to "dash" forward, making you jump a certain distance forward and either dealing stun or minor damage to any enemy that you hit on your path.
How I see it more worked out:
- Some shields would enable you to use this ability. It would come similarly as e.g. a +1 Health add-on.
- How to use: While using your shield, you would charge the dash similarly as charging your weapon but in this case by holding your shield key. Releasing the charge would have to be done by pressing attack while still holding the shield button at that time. Releasing your shield during the dash is allowed since it's no longer needed.
- Shields that have this ability would have a lower defense power than other similarly-starred shields. This means that while charging your dash, your shield can "break" from attacks more easily, making the dash ability not quite abusable if this is well-balanced.
What do you think of it?
but i would make diferent:
-You hold shield button to lift your defense;
-You hold attack button to begin charging the attack, it would increase the amount of damage that the shield gets, but would not be canceled if hit by an enemy
-You let the attack button out, and it charges foward. If you continue pressing shield button, the shield will be up when the attack finishes.
-Escapng from gangbangings: You are cornered bya lot of monsters, than you defend, charge, and get out of there ^^. Quite usefull if this actually don't knockbak the monsters, but rather pass through them, so, if you're cornered by a trojan, and need to escape, you charge attack wth the shield, and you're free from it clutches...well, it would work till the developers fix this bad bug (because i like chalenges, but really get in my nerves when i discover that it iks impossible to finish it).
-any other uses that you might find, like some puzzles.
-making coffe ^^
I agree that instead of 1 shield this would be better if it was given to every shield. Just create an additional attack stat on shields that determines the shield charge's strength.
i suggest when using the shield right as the monster attacks, it reflects the attack back to the monster
I'd say that the ability shouldn't be shield specific, but that any shield can do it. So, instead of "defend" as your only shield command, you have
Prep for charge (lowered defense)
Charge (attack with shield)
You could have normal shields, spiked shields (piercing), jelly shields (too soft to inflict much damage), etc.