Hello! I am an F2P player and need help in deciding an elemental sword. Right now I'm using Wolver Cap, Wolver Coat, Bristling Buckler, and a Calibur (for the moment). I plan on upgrading my Wolver Coat and Cap to Skolver, so I was wondering which elemental sword (Divine Avenger or Brandish) would compliment this choice the most.
Thanks ahead of time,
P.S. If a Brandish is better, which of the three status types would help the most?
Belongs in arsenal section.
The difference between the two is a heavy sword style, and a med speed style. Which one you like is up to you. Heavy 2 swings have a high damage, slow, and wide hit on both swings. A med speed 3 swing is the same as a calibur.
Number-wise, a brandish outdps a divine avenger on similar targets when fighting with 2 or less enemies. With 4 or more, a heavy will do more.