@Lightning-Maker: This is not a human centipede. Our lips are not glued to kissing your posterior.
When people disagree about ideas, generally stuff gets better if they listen.
The suggestions forums are here to suggest and improve concepts for the game, not in order to provide ego inflation services.
Calm your shiz down, and think rationally. This isn't even your thread.
New armors, weapons, helms and shields
in other post there was ,,AND youre very rude" (that was for me) i think that youre are the one who are rude to ppl continua just continua break everything they hope in and continue with breaking there dreams just continue i will be no more watching
OK ,I know that it is some hard work to make T4 and new weapons, shields ect. But it is possible. Three rings can start making it this year and finish it next year. After all, the game progress.
P.S. Can some one from Three Rings look at this.
Oh God the grammar...
But in any case, 6* items are very unlikely to happen. Coding is a huge amount of work for the devs but it could potentially happen, but also almost certainly game-changing.
How this thread went off topic so absurdly I have no idea.
Me too, but I like it.
,, Can someone from Three Rings look at this "
Can it relay happen?
Just to clarify, what dream are we breaking here? I wasn't aware there was a suggestion or idea in this thread.
THe dream for new things in the game havent you saw what Dandobot post on shock shields for you and for me that is a friend and youre the one who must leave spiral knights not me not does who are trolling YOU must leave
NOT you im talking about Demonivcs
So... make a suggestion for new shock equipment. And then we can flesh out that idea to something plausible.
I really don't see how this is hard. All you're saying is shock is great, moar shock, more items, upgrades. And yet, you provide nothing of substance. If you provide something good, the devs have more chance of adding your stuff.
yeah all we need is some
i don't know how we got from 6-stared weapons to shock equipment but your posts made me think about my suggesthon. OK, let thre be no 6*.BUT let there be new stuff.
Sword-The Excalibur
Do you know about it? They say that it is something betwean Brandish and Calibur.
Handgun-Other Pulsars and Catalizers
Poizon, fire, freeze and shadow pulsars and statick, fire and shadow catalizers.
For the armors, helms and shields something new.
Those, who don' like this idea, please don't post (Demonicsothe).
Excalibur: Pretty sure that's where the calibur line was derived from. What suggestion do you have for this? A cross between brandish and calibur? The difference is only the charge and damage type, are you suggesting a normal type brandish charge, or calibur type special damage charge?
Other pulsars/cats: Flesh out idea, do you mean damage type or status type?
Equipment: What something new? Give ideas.
You're actually throwing out some ideas, good progress =D
All you have to do now is expand upon them, what kind of damage, what effects, how we would obtain them, etc.
But really, 'Those, who don' like this idea, please don't post'
So, if we don't think "OMG YES THIS IDEA IS TEH AWESOMSAUCEZ" you don't want our opinions?
In all seriousness, you should welcome both positive and negative feedback, because some ideas might just be plain absurd (I should know, I've thought up a few absurd ones)
I'm also glad to see that you aren't demanding that they make it now, 'Three rings can start making it this year and finish it next year. After all, the game progress.' <3<3<3
We cannot take you seriously unless you:
1. Learn how to use English properly
2. Stop swearing at us
3. Stop immediately screaming (break break break break break break) at anyone who doesn't think you are a genius
Stay cool
Sword-The Excalibur
Do you know about it? They say that it is something betwean Brandish and Calibur.
I believe I was the one that criticized that idea for being too unoriginal - we don't really need another Brandish/Calibur in the game, really.
That being said, if there are new mechanics to the sword's attacks, I'd be inclined to accept it.
Handgun-Other Pulsars and Catalizers
Poizon, fire, freeze and shadow pulsars and statick, fire and shadow catalizers.
I'll pass on that. The normal damage variants of the Pulsar and Catalyzer are marginalized enough; adding more would just aggravate this problem.
For the armors, helms and shields something new.
Vague, but it's a start. I'll take whatever progress we can get from that.
iv been thinking...i want SK to make a 5* RUSTY-iron-tech tht can deal slight poison but has a very low chance of not blasting...is this a good bomb?...if SK makes it i want them to give me the 5* already made through the mail...other wise i wasted my time thinking of the idea...
Let's not count your chickens before they hatch.
First things first, your idea sounds interesting (probably one way to revitalize the Irontech line), but you might want to consider adding in stats. Damage, fuse time etc. And of course, make sure that it's scaled with the current Irontech (i.e. sacrifice damage/charge time etc. for poison as a status).
That being said though, your choice of bomb for the upgrade couldn't have been worse, though I really don't blame you - I quote the wiki here:
The worst of the blast bomb upgrades. Basically not an option at all. A long fuse, small radius, average damage (between Nitro and BAB) and average knockback. Anyone upgrading from the 4* version will be disappointed to find the 5* version is just a 'redder' color than its predecessor. Just don't get it, BAB was bad, this is much worse.
I think what we need is a rebalancing (preferably a buff) of the Irontech Bomb, or removing it altogether more than a new 5* Irontech. Nonetheless you do have an interesting suggestion - combining a dps bomb with a status. Could use one of those.
Although the low chance of not blowing up will most certainly annoy the heck out of bombers.
" not breaking there dreams and there hopeless"
Sorry, are we breaking your hopeless? D:
Forums aren't for people to get together and agree with people. What would be the fun in that? We'd all be like clones saying "Yes, good idea", and Cltr+C/Ving every post.
Forums are for critique and refinement by the player-base, and for the Devs to see it (traditionally).
Other than that, what Aureate said.