huh why i should learn every kid to type go and pratice some
NEW Tier:T4 and NEW Helmets,Shield,Weapons,Armors,Handguns,Bombs

dead thread but this is ridiculous, they wont make an entire new tier unless it's insanely profitable as for the hacking threats and such, i loled'

Why the hell should we get a 6* and Tier 4? Tier 4 shouldn't exists, and all the people who got 5* invested and payed good money.
So your telling me that probably you pay 1600 CE + 10kcrjust for Tier 4 outfits? Tier 4 would be 6* and 7*, and worst. 7* would cost like 3000 CE and 20,000 crowns!
Look, you pay like over 100k crowns and over 12k CE! What the hell! Thats too much -.-

Oh mah gawd man you did it again!
Quit necroing the crappy threads, you're just bringing them to the top.

Have a problem?
You can't boss me around telling me which ones I can post.
Somebody brought me here so I decided to comment. No need to boss me :/

@Benightz, Taken straight out of the forum rules
Do not:
Post spam or other nonsense that disrupts the forum's formatting, functionality, or usability, including quote pyramids or "bump" posts.
I'm pretty sure necroing old, dead, and hated threads brings them to the front page. Did you know that you can only fit so many threads onto the front page? If people can't see relevant threads because some idiot decided to bring up crap from the past, I think that interrupts the forum's functionality.

No, just no, why? The energy price for crafting 6* or bronze 1* would be way to much, what if it was 1k CE? No way I would pay CE for that, if it stays 800, fine, but 1k, really I don't think so

I hate it when people necro threads. But I hate it more when they join the conversation like its still going on.
Lightning-Maker-Another year so Another year but that means it will be new tier i know how hard is to soding games i am an Computer Specialist and i know how hard is because i was coding a game (NO comments)and for me take me 1 year but like that everybody wil lbe happy and will be cool to make it
/think ... How the heck does he expect us to believe he's some computer specialist (Don't even know what that is) when his grammar is about as good as a 7 year old?
Yeah, by the way, computer programmers do coding, i have no idea what the heck a computer specialist is. Probably some computer repair man.