So I tried the gate that just changed and this was the first level... lmao
So I tried the gate that just changed and this was the first level... lmao
Memo to me: Before going... wherever that is... Get several friends with top-radius bombs.
Giant crowd of tightly-packed enemies, meet the mad bombers what bomb at midnight.
I've soloed through a few T3 Deconstruction Zones, and they almost all look like this. When soloing, it just turns into a really long game of having them loop around the squares until you can separate the healers, take them out, then separate the flamethrowers, etc.
I found it pretty fun, if not frustrating in a few tight corners.
Hazel (or others):
Ever tried the whole Bomb-the-crowd idea on this kind of mob?
Jokes aside, I've been seriously contemplating picking up that third weapon slot, and building up a bomb to go with my other gear - and, in large part, this is the kind of scenario I imagined it being useful for.
I don't use bombs. I can tell you right out that if you stop moving long enough to plant a bomb well, that crowd can eat your pajamas, though.
My shiny, shiny pajamas. How I loves them. They must be kept from harm!
FYI, these guys had flamethrowers... they weren't the regular super gremlins that just melee attack you. They have a wide, long, flamethrower that isn't static... they aim it at you as you move around.
Now imagine about 15 of them + several healers... it was unbelievable.
Not unbelievable, pretty common. Flamethrower gremlins aren't an uncommon thing, especially not in deconstruction zones.
... I'm not ready for Tier 3, I'm not ready for Tier 3 o_o
I was referring to seeing that many in one area.
I've seen more before but only when I'm just skipping trash. If you're full clearing there's no reason to ever have anywhere near that many monsters in a screen at a time.
It was that weird map with no walls... just a bunch of cages and block barriers with keys. Little you could do
deconstruction zone, btw
Oh man, I did that kind of thing with a friend in T2. We managed to get out of it okay, but in T3? Solo? Good luck!
Also, if the bomb doesn't drop your move speed significantly, you could totally bomb the crowd as you ran. I do use bombs, and I think it would be a legitimate tactic on these guys. Most of the large-radius bombs have a long enough fuse that you could pause for a second, drop it, keep running, and get away while the crowd walks right into the blast zone. You'd want to just straight-up run afterwards though, since they might get blasted towards you as well. After you're definitely in the clear, repeat the process.
That's my idea on it anyways.
Listening to the advice above will probably get you killed...
From the screenshot, it looks like you ran around a lot on this level, as people suggested. In doing so, you ended up with every enemy on the entire board chasing you at once.... at which point, of course, you're doomed.
For deconstruction zones, there are several tricks:
- Don't solo. Bringing friends along helps with revives, but it also makes sure that SOMEONE is able to hit those shield gremlins from the front, no matter how they turn away from you.
- Use the terrain. For example, use the hallway to the elevator as a chokepoint to keep gremlins from surrounding you. This will let you attack, shield, and repeat with minimal risk. (Having all enemies approach along a single predictable path is especially useful for directional charged attacks like the striker or avenger) Likewise, blocks interfere with gremlin movement- don't break them if you don't have to.
- Gremlins dodge bullets. So have one person drop a fire bomb under the gremlins, while a teammate fires bullets at the mob every second or so. Result: gremlins will sit there flinching continuously while burning to death. It's not a victory to be proud of, but it is a victory.
- Poison bombs are also good support weapons, since they shut down gremlin healers AND decrease enemy attack power.
- Once again: do NOT run through the level like a madman. Kill the current batch of enemies before moving on... and stay in the smallest possible area while doing so. (It's best to lure gremlins into an area you already cleared; that way you know you're safe)
Yeah, on Deconstruction Zones, it's best to not.. run willy-nilly through the map without any semblance of direction. See an enemy group? Take it out before you progress further south. They're real spread out, so it should be easy to pin down a smaller group.
As a mad bomber myself, (though, granted, a freshly tier-2 one) I've solo'd several wolver dens like this with naught but a fire bomb. Once you get the hang of an enemy's attack patterns, you can bomb dance fairly easily. I would've just poison and fire bombed 'em to death, as, no, dropping a bomb won't slow you down enough to be hit if you run ahead of them and plant it so that it'll go when they reach it....
Or, for most mobs it doesn't. -shrug-
It just takes practice, and, with enough skill, you could probably solo anything with the right bombs.
You willingly killed your character and flushed energy down the toilet when you gathered enemies up like that. That's just dumb.
Nice energy count (unrelated)