so im new to this whole game and it keeps saying i dont have enough energy to go down into the thing...and im not even in the game in still on the tutorial thing... help?
Thu, 03/22/2012 - 19:36
Fri, 03/23/2012 - 06:40

You can only have 1 free
You can only have 1 free account per computer. If you are sharing this computer with someone else playing the game, then you would have no energy off the start.
You can read both of these wiki pages for more information.
Sat, 03/24/2012 - 09:16
im in ash tail and i've still got away with having 2 account being unpaid relying on different bars of mist. is this glitch cause i use other one for cr
( i said im in ash tail to prove you that ive been playing for a while)
Tue, 03/27/2012 - 18:36

You have to wait like 22 or
You have to wait like 22 or 24 hour until ur mist energy which is the bottom one to get to 100ce again
You see the bottom right hand corner? The one with a blue bar, and some red 0000? That is how much you have. The energy within the blue bar is mist, and recharges in a set amount of time, to a max of 100.
You have somehow gotten rid of all that energy, so could not enter the elevator. Do you have a friend or sibling or other family member that plays spiral knights on the same computer? All accounts on the same computer shares mist energy, until one account becomes paid and splits its mist.