Shadowsun Set
Dread Skelly Shield
Blitz Needle
Argent Peacemaker
Final Flourish
Elite Quick Draw Module x2
Shadowsun Set
Dread Skelly Shield
Blitz Needle
Argent Peacemaker
Final Flourish
Elite Quick Draw Module x2
If you are a pure gunner and would prefer mobility instead of those non-mobile piercing guns, you should be using a Hail Driver or Polaris, not a FF / BTB. Now if there are greavers, then I would definately use your FF. Not for devilite levels, though.
Personally, I use hail driver for almost every non-giant devilite pack and then Polaris for huge packs of them. And rarely ever Callahan, but sometimes. Alchemer splits help a ton. Aim to where they would dodge, not directly at them.(they do not dodge because of a bug, which should get fixed)..... and finally Hail Driver is the best for locking them down in comparison to any other alchemer.
Then, if you aren't using Callahan / Blitz, you could sacrifice one quick draw for a trueshot since ASI is more helpful on Callahan / Blitz than mobile guns survivability-wise.
Argent Peacemaker, haven't used it. From what I expect, not as great as alchemers / Polaris because the bullets are fast firing and will just aggrivate devilites to dodge even more, as well as deal pretty pathetic damage per bullet. No splits as well, and no freeze. Of course, once devilites are dodging properly again..... we can find out.
For now, don't compare guns vs. other guns against devilites because they are not properly dodging due to a bug
I think the devilite dodges were patched already. I could be wrong though, wasn't paying attention.
I really wouldn't bother using blitz on devilites for the most part, you have to get really close to ensure enough shars hit, and that sort of defeats the point of using a gun. Plus the stun really messes them up.
For that matter, do you really need THREE piercing weapons? I think you'd be better off replacing one of them with a good support bomb like shivermist or electron vortex.
Callahan for picking off devilites
Blitz Needle for oneshotting trojans
Argent Peacemaker for survivability against greavers (yes it's now pure elemental but whatever)
Final Flourish for anything that gets too close to shoot
Most of the time, greavers get too close anyways. This is more of a gunslinging loadout, with a backup weapon just in case. Perfectly viable. But blitz is not necessary for trojans, ff/calla does fine. Most of the time, oneshotting a trojan is to stop a flying floor hazard right at spawn, when nothing is attacking. But assuming you couldn't get in position to kill, charge, and then spawn enemies, you are better off leaving blitz in the arsenal and picking a cc bomb like vt/shiv to control the fast fiends. Or even to scroll through your weapons faster.
I use my blitz if I can get one or two solo. No need to be within sword range, the charge annihilates anyways. The calla is for large groups and when I need to play it safe. But this is a pure gunner method. I fail miserably against greavers if I miss.
Of course, this is all up to you. We just comment on it. Having a piercing sword alongside the mobility reducing piercing guns seems redundant. Pure gunners use those because they are pures. Gunners with a piercing sword sidearm replaces piercing guns for the sword. It's usually one or the other.
Seems overkill. If pure gunner, callahan and blitz are enough to take care of them. I can't think of a scenario where you'll use all of those weapons on the same floor.
And ff/btb is a sidearm for those who find it dangerous to fight fiends with a calla/blitz. Which it can get at times, when there is too many to shoot each to interrupt.