So as anyone who has used a Biohazard know the charge is the only good thing about it. But oh my, the charge is amazing! However when i play with non-guildies people detonate the ball as soon as i place it. I was wondering if you could make is to that only the user of said Biohazard could detonate the balls. And if someone were to kill this monster before the user detonated the balls, they would desintegrate? food for thought...
A suggestion to Nick regarding the Biohazard Charge.

This would be how the catalyzer levels up, and gains things per level
2star- Is how it is when you get it, normal
3star- Element branch. Where it changes to Shadow, or stays normal
4star- Charges on a monster last a significant longer period of time, or even forever.
5star- Charges placed on a monster explode when they die.
I had the idea before, but it never got enough support.
rofl When I read this topics title, I expected something very very rude inside.
Then... You disappointed me T_T
Valid point though. Both Biohazard and Neutralizer are rather useless compared to alternatives and could use a buff so that they actually work like intended.

Suggestions belong in the "Suggestions" subforum, and I think this takes precedence over relevance to "Arsenal." Is there something we're supposed to do to flag a thread for moving, or do we just wait for a mod to get around to it?
I like that idea for charges to explode on monster death so they don't get wasted, but I actually prefer that team mates be able to combo each other's charges. Sure, it has potential to be annoying when playing with people who don't know what they're doing, but that applies to most of the game in general anyway. I wouldn't complain if my combos started dealing bonus damage, since my Toxicat charges deal less damage to Fiends and Undead, but it is already plenty powerful enough that I don't really feel a need to wish for a buff.
What I would really like most is more branches with different status effect options like Stun and Freeze. Freeze would work especially well with Catalyser mechanics. ...perhaps too well, actually, so I guess it ain't likely to happen, but Stun would be nice and kinda make sense with its explodey nature.

"So as anyone who has used a Biohazard know the charge is the only good thing about it"
Actually I'm more drawn to its 3clip, status proc, amazing range, and high rate of fire.

It has slower bullet velocity than Umbra Driver and Sentenza, lower overall dps (Sentenza can bullet storm on a single target while Umbra has aoe ricochet, but Biohazard has nothing), and slower rate of fire than Sentenza (not sure about Umbra, but oh well). Poison is the only thing good about the normal shots, and even then it only helps a lot on specific monsters like the Royal Jelly.

I'm perfectly ok with only having to press the button 3 times instead of 6 some nights for a roughly same amount of damage, sometimes my finger just cant take spamming Sent and AP ALL NIGHT LONG. Also, Bio is perfectly capable of hitting two things at once with the same bullet.
I would go even further and suggest I can unload a Bio clip on a trailing jelly and whip out my Callahan and be sniping at a silkwing in the time it takes to fire off all 6 sentenza bullets.
In fact having max asi with sent or AP almost like it could easily be redundant or capped by system performance.

Make the charged explosions benefit from damage bonus...
Also, make other cata users unable to explode your own orbs, and unable to tag monsters which you have already tagged. This way, it is easier to implement the damage bonus to the charged explosions.

If you have people who know what they're doin', A group of four can have 3 do charged shots, allowing the critter to get the big explosion from 3 orbs. And the last person can detonate the charges. This can allow for fast explosions, and mass destruction.
That's IF you have people who know what they're doin'.
If you set up charged shots on a critter and die, then you can still get a buddy to detonate them so the explosion is not wasted.
Also, sure, you may set up charges and people detonate them early, but so what? You're still getting explosions, just less powerful but still faster.
And I'm in favor of explosions not being wasted by stupid people who kill your marked critters.
I think the bullets should speed up just a little, as well.

But like Hraon said, better not remove ability to detonate another's charges.
@luke Sentenza can ALSO hit 2 targets at once, just a matter of turning off autoaim and manual aiming properly.
And +1 to charges exploding when marked enemy dies. BUT like Quotefanboy said, it should apply to 5* versions only, otherwise the description would be wrong (it always state catalyzer in the descript before it reaches 5*) But I disagree it should stay on forever. Which CTR max-ish the charge time is just about instantaneous and shouldn't take long to stick 25 charges and 1shot the enemy. Then again if you have ctr max who needs orbits to stick on forever...
@Scottish-Archer: I'm particularly "offended" by your bias towards Bio instead of Neut. Show the Neutralizer users some love pl0x :C
I would like the Planted Charges to Explode if the Monster Dies. That way, you may be able to still dish out Damage to Enemies whom are around your Teammate who Delivered the blow.