So I've recently aquired Iron Slug gun, just for its awesome appearance. It's a no brainer thats its current state is rather sad, even its sort-of-ability to cancel puppy attacks works only on 2 shots, forcing you to waste time reloading therefore negating gained advantage. Im aware that developers mentioned that this weapon will be buffed in some way. The qusetion is willl it be bald damage increase or somethin else more ingenious.
So I've come up with several buffs which in my opinion give this gun more of a character instead of making it "heavy valliance":
Damage per shot: keep it as it is (wiki:~130 regular, ~290 charge on Stratum 6) or nerf (see below);
Clip: 4 semi atomatic bullets: 2 shots fire with small interval (<0.5sec) in one quick session. 2 of such attacks are allowed before reload. This tweak basically increases damage output by 2 in exchange of time spent standing still. Also guarantees cancelation on turrets and trip over on Gremlin\Wolver. May require additional damage reduction of shots if OP.
Charge: increase charge walk speed (its turtle speed right now) to match one of Blitz Needle (or any other needle). Make Charged bullet go through enemies dealing small knockback untill exploding on maximum range. Multiple hits on single target are allowed only on big targets (Lichen colonies, Lumbers).
Thats it, please let me know waht you think about these suggestions.
PS: I know it belongs in Suggestions forum, thought I believe more people visit Arsenal section.
PPS: yes I know there is a hight probability that delopers already come up with some sort of changes by now, perhaps some of those tweaks may help them to futher balancing Iron Slug making it way more usefull and there more popular.
i think all it needs is a third bullet per clip. or less of a movement reduction