Another way to use heat

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Legacy Username

Currently if you have all your equipment upgraded heat is useless. This is a bad design decision as heat is a reward only SOME of the time (actually more often it's NOT a reward than it is). Something needs to be done to use up heat.

So what I thought of is that each character gets a "skill slot". You could buy skills from NPCs for crowns/energy/whatever. Maybe you could get recipes for them. Maybe they could drop rarely from monsters. These skills would require a certain amount of heat (to be determined by the skill; better ones should require more heat) and would use up the heat when the skill is used. There could be a variety of skills like one that instantly creates spikes around you damaging any enemies near you. One could shoot out fire trails randomly from your body. One could be those hibernate shields that the gremlin mages use that stops you from doing anything but protects you and heals you.

Of course this brings up an issue of how heat is handled once you beat a level. I think you should maintain all the heat you've gathered from level to level (and lose it once you leave, much like the powerups). This would also encourage players to rez before the next level so that they don't lose their heat. IF you have gear that can be upgraded there should be a window that pops up after you beat a level if you want to keep your heat or deposit it into your equipment. That or make it so your equipment automatically gains the heat like normally but it doesn't drain it from your total reserves.

Legacy Username
Actually, now that I think of

Actually, now that I think of it, a better alternative would be to just remove the function of heat upgrading your equipment altogether. Make heat solely about skills. Then just make it so that every monster that is killed while you are on the map gives you upgrade credit. Boss type monsters could give you more credit. Then make it so that your equipment can level while you're in a mission and not just at the end. There would have to be some sort of feedback mechanism to show that an equipment leveled (maybe have some white text near the top middle say "[equipment] Leveled!" for about 2 seconds then disappear).

Legacy Username
I think you just recreated

I think you just recreated what heat is already doing, while also creating a system that changes the game too much.

The "upgrade credit" you're talking about is nearly identical to heat, except that you don't even have to clear the level to keep it.

Legacy Username
as i remeber...

if you leave the level before finishing, for dead or via options menu, you will not gain the heat from that level...but i'm not sure.

About a skill system, i'm cooking somehing (very big), that could be added in a ater part of the game, probably only at the end of the open beta to finish it all, but, sooner then later is better. I will try to put it till the final of the month, along with an idea to a quest system condizent with the actual energy system for dungeons...stay tunned, and be prepared to read a lot.

Legacy Username

i think skills would be a good idea :0

Imaging some cool finishing moves :D

Legacy Username
I have no issues with the

I have no issues with the heat system, but it would be great to have something else to do with it after you finish leveling up your equipment. Looking forward to said updates. Besides, I've been wanting some sort of back-step manoeuver. A whole 'nother topic, maybe?


Tomhobb's picture
maybe excess Heat could

maybe excess Heat could convert into something else... maybe to charge-up a special flamethrower (or chosen skill, etc) for use during the rest of that particular gate-run.

Legacy Username
Heat = exp, not mana. Do we

Heat = exp, not mana. Do we really need a use for excess exp? Maybe a small holding tank for when you alchemize a new item to give it a boost, but you're talking about a large, unnecessary change to the combat system.

Tomhobb's picture
Heat = exp, not mana.

"Heat = exp, not mana."

Can't it function as both... once you've hit 10 in everything Heat just becomes meaningless, unless you change equipment. It's possible to give it some meaning without producing a permanent result (crowns, materials, resources) that lasts beyond what you're currently fighting, or whatever.

even just an item "overcharge" that goes away on your next attack/injury, etc. It's a change that could sit as a temporary "level 11" for items, or as another option like vials.

Legacy Username
Even if this idea doesn't get

Even if this idea doesn't get used, I'm all for finding a new way to use up gained heat. Something that would discourage me from just running through the level, minimal killing.


Legacy Username
You still get crowns and

You still get crowns and materials for killing things, running through levels is a waste of energy.