K people im working on my 4 star stuff right now. I was wondering..which way should i go with swords? Should i go Divine Avenger line, or Gran Faust line, or should i go on the Grintovec line? Are there any other lines that u guys would suggest? So plz reply, i am going into the stage where ill have my armor that i use for a long time so i gotta know what sword line to go with.
What sword should i get?

Short answer: Not Grintovec.
Longer answer: I have a sword guide, written for people like you. There is also the Swordmaster Guide on the wiki. Check them out.

I have a swift flourish and thats my only piercing sword. I am working on getting a sealed sword so i can craft a DA or GF. I am thinking but my final choice will probably be a DA. Here is my wep/armor set right now:
Ash tail coat-4*
Dusker helm-3*
Swift flourish-3*
Mighty Defender-4*
Toxic Needle-3*(almost at the blight needle)
Iron Bombhead- n/a
(Im close to getting Sealed Sword. Once I do that, I can get the Avenger recipe.)
Any other suggestions for different parts of my armor?

I'm assuming you will be farming rjp for the weeks/days to come. So, upgrade the sealed into a faust will give you shadow damage to use against jellies. On the other hand, you can buy a nightblade at 3* to farm rjp faster right now, then upgrade the sealed into an avenger. This all depends on your playstyle. Faust has the heavy sword advantage, nightblade has the 3 swing and safer charge.

Your armor suit/helm are among the most popular in the game, because they're good.
Your shield is a piercing shield with no special advantages. Consider replacing it with Barbarous Thorn Shield, which is a piercing shield with a significant offensive bonus to swords. Or Grey Owlite Shield, which is a good protective shield with no offensive bonus.
Your swords are headed toward Final Flourish and Divine Avenger, which are great; augment them with some shadow sword at some point. Alternatively, your swords are headed toward Final Flourish and Gran Faust, which are great; augment them with some elemental sword. Forget about Grintovec, unless you enjoy using an inferior sword because it is simply fun (which is not unreasonable, of course).
Your guns are headed toward Blight Needle and Argent Peacemaker; augment with a shadow gun at some point. Alternatively, your guns are headed toward Blight Needle and Sentenza; augment with an elemental gun. In fact, elemental guns are disproportionately useful, because swords can have trouble against turrets, and turrets tend to be weak to elemental damage. So I'd recommend getting Argent before Sentenza.
Grintovec is normal. Thus, it is not as effective at dealing damage.
Do you have a 4* piercing weapon? You should have it to round out your weapon set.
If you do, or don't want it for whatever reason, upgrade the avenger. The charge gets a massive buff. The gf charge gets bigger, more damage, but with a huge charge time and a hefty penalty.