When I play, I always see the female players running around with starter female helm as a costume. Why aren't their more female based armor? every female player I have ever talked too hates that the only way for them to be recognized as a female player they have to wear that same starter helm. I mean the only other female based armor I see is Mighty Cobalt Armor, just because it looks like a ponytail more than anything. I have been told by quite a few female players that they are annoyed with wearing that same helm over and over. They want to look cool yet girly, so to say. So can we get a little more gender based armor?
Why arn't their more gender based Armor?
Valkyrie lines, Dragon Lines, Firebreak lines...
Mighty cobalt is a masculine ponytail btw :P
Besides, with a little customization, a flower, a ribbon, you can make almost anything look "girly"
I actually quite like how the knights have no genders and how everything is dictated by armour. Like Mystic said, there's ways to make many armour look girly, and we do have a couple of sets that are more feminine looking. That said, I wouldn't turn down any new armours that are on the girlish side of things either, since I do run around in pigtails or ponytails (plume-fy ALL THE THINGS) more often than not.
Men men men men manly men men men :D
I'm not really an expert on gender bias in video games, but there's a sort of stigma surrounding "girl gamers." That is, not just a girl that plays video games, but a girl that takes every opportunity to tell you that she's a girl playing a video game. Not that I particularly care myself -- I've either never met someone as obnoxious as people would have me believe all girl gamers are, or didn't mind when I did.
What I do think is that it shouldn't really be necessary for people to assert their gender at every given opportunity. A lot of games in the mainstream don't even give players the ability to decide between a male or female character; females play these games all the same, and while you can often tell their gender by their name, use of certain emotes, or voice (if applicable), sometimes you simply don't know, and you have realize that it really doesn't matter.
That being said, Spiral Knights does seem to have a larger female audience than most games, and while there are no actual male or female characters, you do have the option to customize your character to express yourself in ways you can't in your typical shooter.
All in all, greater variety of armor styles certainly doesn't hurt anyone, so I guess I support. Just remember that people don't absolutely NEED to know you're a girl, and furthermore that even though some armors are more "girly" than others, nothing in the game is actually gender exclusive; I, as a male, wear a purple Spiral Tail Helm with Seraphic Mail because I like the way it looks, and I know I wouldn't think any less of that party member clothed in full Volcanic Plate if I discovered she was a girl (unless perhaps if she felt she needed to tell me immediately upon joining).
In during someone who never saw the original art for the whole Valkyrie series.
mighty cobalt is for dudes with swag argue about any armor but that one
I think that it's something worth considering, I like it when I know I'm playing with either a girl or a guy. I would agree with the people before me, though, in saying that accessories are kind of like that. However, accessories are expensive, if you don't buy things especially.
Why is non-pony-tailed, non-flowery armour considered male by default?
I guess it wouldn't be a bad thing to have more gear that telegraphs (normative) gender, if that's what people want, but really, there's nothing "male" about e.g. Vog or Plate or whatever.
Its kinda... that most video games are played by guys... so its kinda an assumption...
...Perhaps the one knight that is gender-less is Bechamel... ;3
Robots don't have gender.
What place do robots have in this conversation again? Nothing? Oh, that's right.
Spiral Knights don't have gender.
There, are you happy now?
Sometimes I like to run about in my tailed proto helm, mostly because it just looked the best to me when I started. And then I went to the emberbreak line and I was probably the most excited out of anyone I knew about the new blazebreak helm. Only once did someone think I was a girl, but really anyone older than 13 can tell that "duke' is a male title and that I don't exactly act like a stereotypical teenage girl. Most times I learn that a friend or guildmate is female are from either her telling me or me reasoning it out by her personality.
Well if you go with what some of the devs say , that spiral knight aren't limited to societies traditional categories of gender, then there is gender but we dont what characteristics separates one gender from the other.
However these were things stated a while and due to the recent updated it can be said that gender is being incorporated into the game as there is larger use of pronouns in the game as well as physical characteristic matching those pronouns.
To be honest I think devs didn't want to incorporate gender because they didn't want to force player to choose there knights gender.
Everyone knows there are no such things as females on the internet.
... right? >.>
#3 and #4 from the left are the old Valkyrie/Fallen, for reference.
That was fallen? I though that just a navy blue fish-themed variant of the old Valkyrie. Fallen into the ocean, maybe...
I wasn't in the beta, but I was told that that is what Fallen used to look like.
I certainly wouldn't mind more armour aimed at our feminine players. Variation is important.
Spiral Knights don't have gender. They are all cloned by Biotechs. Most armour in the game has a gender-neutral appearance, the "gamers are male"-assumption is a cultural problem that can't be fixed with new armours. Is it really such big deal if people get your gender wrong? Then you should have given yourself an ultra-feminine name.
Come to think of it, it's really a problem with the English language that we don't have well-established unisex pronouns. Bet the Japanese don't have this problem.
I'm not sure about that genderless thing, but I know that the players (At least most of the players) have a gender and many like to express it in their armor. As far as extremely feminine names, that's a drag. It'd just be nicer to be able to customize according to gender.
:( ...i dont like being hit on...
...but pigtails are just too cute to resist...
Because the thought of forever alone, straight male knights buying female armor and fondling the breast plates, is just too creepy...
Spiral Knights transcend gender boundaries. There is no male, no female, no distinction.
It's always a little awkward when you discover the girl you were hitting on is actually a straight male who thought you were a girl.
(but srsly, if you want to come across as either male or female, it's not hard. I like that the game gives you the freedom to do either or neither)
...And that, kids, is why you don't hit on people who are anonymous on the internet. Trust me, its awkward for both parties, duck. This is me speaking from experience of being on the receiving end. :/
You can throw this the other way around.
There aren't that many armor lines that directly shout out masculinity. It's just that whenever people don't know the gender of something, the default is almost always male.
There really shouldn't be because Spiral Knights are genderless. If they put emphasis on gender, then women would probably be, well, in the kitchen. I like to keep the game as it is. I'm fine with just some feminine armors, but in reality you don't see a lot of women in the battlefield. I think gender equality, and what better what than to have no gender at all!
There is gender in the game but, i don't find gender features and important part of the in game experience, the game is and rpg/ action/ mmo game not sims. There are lots of people who want gender and a lot who don't and a large majority of people who just don't care.
As for knights being genderless there's a difference between the assumed female npcs and male npcs ever since the mission update.
Kozma before missions
Kozma after mission mode pacth
Compared to Brinks and Bechamel (assumed to be males due to the use of reffering to them as hims)
There's a minor but noticeable difference that is similar between human male and female distintion. Since there's a distinction in Kozma (as well as all the other "assumed" (because of the she reference) to be female npc's) there is boundaries of gender and therefore gender exists.
However gender distinguishable feature should remain to the npc's and not be left to the hands of immature players. Custume and armor are fine but nothing that will make the game so much more exciting.
I think we need new enemies more than we do gender distinction.
Puhlease, I hit on everyone anonymous on the internet. It's not like guys hitting on each other is a rare thing, it's easy to pass off as a joke. When I said awkward, I meant funny. ;D I met one of my best (online) friends on SK thinking he was a girl and hitting on him. To this day I think he thought I was just being friendly. :3
I like how people still believe knights are genderless when there are clearly npcs referred as he and she.
You guys are funny.
Pretty sure they mean the player characters, which is true. In fact, there are no real implied genders in the characters, considering they look ambiguious in most costumes, so if someone wants me to see 'em as a dude or as a lady, they tell me, and I call them as such. Easy to be misled if someone lies, but it's not like it'll affect anyone, really.
But for safety, I automatically assume everyone's a dude unless stated otherwise. Safety protocols.
The girly knights get "hit on"? That doesn't even makes sense. Why would anyone flirt with someone who's probably on the other side of the earth when both parties are roleplaying as armour-clad aliens?
I think it would be weird if knights had a true biological gender, because that would mean that I don't know the gender of my own characters. If they have true gender it should be explicit, I don't want all my knights to have a "Schrödinger's gender". Easier to just have them be genderless and reproduce by meiosis or cloning.
Because, Wiki-Dale Not-Jim-Dale Jim-Dale Tim-Bale and Not-Falcon said so.
I like to speak naughty in spiral knights. The cute atmosphere in this game makes it so kinky. Also two chromas cuddling will rise an awesome amount of frowny faces ^w^
Yes, who could resist the allure of "an awesome amount of frowny faces ^w^"...
Chromas probably have gender like any other animal. I guess one could roleplay as a knight roleplaying as a chroma with a gender. Although personally I would find that frown-inducing.
"The girly knights get "hit on"? That doesn't even makes sense. Why would anyone flirt with someone who's probably on the other side of the earth when both parties are roleplaying as armour-clad aliens?"
People want to connect with each other, even if the connection is superficial. Makes no less sense than hiring an escort or prostitute.
"I think it would be weird if knights had a true biological gender, because that would mean that I don't know the gender of my own characters. If they have true gender it should be explicit, I don't want all my knights to have a "Schrödinger's gender". Easier to just have them be genderless and reproduce by meiosis or cloning."
It's whatever you want to be. Why complicate the character creation process with an extra option that has no effect on gameplay whatsoever?
By the way, it's worthy of note that having a defined gender is not required for sexual reproduction. A lot of animals have both male and female parts, and couples will usually fertilize each other at the same time. You should watch slugs mating -- it's pretty disgusting, but also kinda beautiful.
There are no girls in Spiral Knights, just men and men who dress like girls.
Why is the topic of gender and gamer girls so important in SK?
Are you going to hit on them if they were girls? Are you? Well?
Human beings are extremely social beings.
We can't stay sane without having some social relation to another.
Why do you dissuade someone when they hit on a "girl" in an mmo?
Does it bother you? Does it make you uncomfortable? Are you disgusted by the breaking of norms?
Whatever it may be, I know a lot of people are distasteful when someone hits on another person in an mmo.
Most people don't even have a "real'" reason for doing so. They show immediate disapproval and make up their reasons after they have committed the act of outlandishly laying out their disapproval.
Also, topic-wise.
Since gender is based on appearance in mmos, don't you think getting our knights with gender typing would be pointless? I agree with expanding the variety of armor designs though.
"It's whatever you want to be."
Argh, no. I hate that of kind make-believe interpretation nonsense. I might as well pretend that my knight has a favourite food or that he's good at baseball, it'd just be silly. If anything isn't explicitly stated within the game (or perhaps by the creators of the game), I refuse to pretend it's true at all.
"Why complicate the character creation process with an extra option that has no effect on gameplay whatsoever?"
Exactly. Why indeed?
"By the way, it's worthy of note that having a defined gender is not required for sexual reproduction."
Sure, that works too.
"Does it bother you? Does it make you uncomfortable? Are you disgusted by the breaking of norms?"
Nope, not at all. People can do whatever they want. I was just surprised, is all.
Well, really, there is an equal amount of masculine accessories and feminine accessories. I get how some of the knights on this post are saying that "anything can be made girly with a touch of accessory" but in reality, accessories are quite expensive and difficult to find - and it would be rude to assume a knight is a girl simply because their color is pink or purple. It all depends on the amount of femininity/masculinity the player has. Valkyrie/Fallen armor is magnificent, but the design is the same for every single one, and pigtails I find look kind of stupid. All of the other armors (by this I mean armors without a feminine aspect to them) can be made feminine, but I wouldn't wear any of the other armors because in my opinion, they are not girly enough for me to wear it. I wouldn't mind some more feminine armor, maybe some armor with the hair down instead of up? Like, some strands of hair on the side, or maybe just a different helmet design. And plus I'm sure there are some boys out there who are more feminine then they are masculine and would like more girlish armor/accessories.
@Jimbo-Jambo : A post like that makes me wish I had a like button!
I... have to admit I kinda think most if not all the armour sets I've seen so far have been rather feminine, so maybe it depends on what you are used to?
Aside from the fact that more (different armour sets) is always better, I also feel no need to share my gender by what my knight wears.
But then I read the OP. This guy makes a pretty good statement.
Buuuut then I re-read it.
Hey guys look Jim Dale is a GURRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLL GAAAAAAAAAAAAMUR gift it stuff.