Hello Knight,
We are Dragoon Guards! We are looking for recruits in each tier. We are nice players of Spiral Knights.
We're mostly looking for tier 3 players and who are well rounded at boss runs, shadow lair and Lockdown.
"Teddon" or
"Ted-On" (Teddon's second account)
1.How to join our guild
PM one of the GMs or and follow the format below:
Current Equipment:
Are you always online?:
Do You think you can help this guild in Lockdown:?
2..Why Dragoon Guards?
The name of the guild was suppose to be Royal Scot's Dragoon Guards orginating from Scotland.
It was just shortened to Dragoon Guards.
3.How to get promoted?
a.Usually you need to be active and nice.
b.Being Skilled is another way of being promoted.
c.Another way is joining a promotional run by the following:
4.What is a promotional run?
A run will be chosen by an officer or me. You will be grouped with knights with the same rank as you.
At the end of the run the most skillest knight in the party will be promoted by the officer or me.
5. How to be an officer?
You will have to do something contributing to the guild.
You can also do something special like helping other guildmates.
6.Im to lazy to do a promotional run.
You can always do letter a and b in question number 2.
If you have questions comment below.