I've been learning about crafting and about how an item has a chance to get a Unique Variant when it is being crafted/upgraded. From what I understand, that means that item could get multiple UVs at the end of its alchemy line. However, how does something at the beginning of a line get 3 UVs? I know there's a merchant that will do this for you, but the price for one of those tickets is 200k+ crowns. Is there another way or am I missing/misunderstanding something?
Three UVs on a 2*?
To clarify, if I craft a Brandish, I have a small chance to get 3 UVs?
No. Each chance of getting a uv has a chance of 1, 2, or 3. If you already have a uv, you will not receive another unless you specifically uncheck the box that says transfer the uv.
If you do check that box, the previous uv is removed and your item is subject once more to the uv rng.
So for example: I craft a Brandish, it gets 2 UVs. I upgrade it to an Iceburst. There is no chance of getting 3 UVs unless I uncheck the transfer of the original two?
Right. And as far as the community knows, unchecking that box does not increase chance of receiving a uv or number of uv's per craft.
Correct--those two UVs would remain with the brandish all the way through crafting it up to 5*. If you uncheck the box that says 'transfer UVs,' however, then when you craft the brandish up a level, you essentially throw the 2 UVs you had away in exchange for the chance at a different set of UVs--or no UV at all, as the assignment of UVs is random.
the only reason to uncheck that box is if the previous UV is garbage. For example, a construct damage bonus on a piercing weapon. A chance at a new UV is more useful than such a useless UV.
Assuming it's unbound, it's more worthwhile to AH that Flourish for 1.4-1.7kcr, buy a clean Flourish for ~900cr, and craft that instead.
Just a minor quibble.
It's possible, but the odds are incredibly low.
I've kept track of my crafting attempts for ~1100 crafts, and I haven't gotten any triple UV'ed items. I've had 10 double UV'ed items in that time, however. I think the estimate is around 1000 crafting attempts per triple UV and 100 crafting attempts per double UV.
When you ask Punch for a UV ticket, can you get 3 1 uv tickets for one armor/weapon?
@Zasher no. Punch overwrites all UVs on that item and then gives you the amount of UVs you bought.
@goofio its not quite that low. I've done maybe ~500 and I've gotten a triple on my justifier, like 2 or so double, and quite a few more single. If you get a UV at all, I think its something like a 5% for it to be triple.
"If you get a UV at all, I think its something like a 5% for it to be triple."
No, 1%. It's 10%*10%.
The chances of getting a triple UV on any given craft are 0.1% (= 10%*10%*10%). Goofio is correct.
When you craft you can get up 3 UVs at once