I don't have many problems with my heavy plate shield (that it breakes kinda fast), but i always tought of getting a specialized shield, the problem is: i can't afford another 4-star shield right now, and i'm not sure if a 3 star shield would be a good idea. my gear is:
Vog cub coat (low shadow UV)
ash tail cap (going to be a vog cap)
Dark thorn blade
I also have a bristling buckler, but i haven't used it or upgraded it since i'm not very good at dodging... What shield should i get? (for a shadow shield, i'm going to get a blackened crest, but i don't have the vanaduke mission unlocked yet.)
By the way, i need a gun, but i can't decide if i should get a supernova, a blaster or a polaris.
get a polaris, and grab a swiftstrike buckler (3*) two of the best purchases you'll make. period.