Hey there, fellow knights!
I would like to ask you a question about the controls of this game. I've been playing for about a half a year and always used the mouse to walk
and the keyboard to attack or shield. When I saw people running and spinning or walking backwards, I thought it would be fun to change the controls
so I could do that too (cause you can't when you use the mouse alone for running).
But now I actually wondered if using the keyboard for running and the mouse for attacking/shielding isn't actually better? If it helps to aim and stuff?
I would gladly listen to any tips you have on the controls, also if the auto-aim (or what's it called....auto-lock?) is actually worth having on (or off).
Thank you, people :)
WASD: movement
Mouse: aiming
Right Mouse: attacking
Left Mouse: shielding
Mouse Wheel: switching weapons
Autoaim: turn this off unless you're really terrible at aiming