After seeing the Hall of Heros, i become curious, what did the Alpha squad use for gear? compared to the HoH guys, maybe something like this?
Grantz (guardian: Ironmight and Sudaruska
Rulen (technician): Skolver and Dread Venom Striker
Parma (Scout): Nameless and Alchemers OR Bombastic (lol) and Big Angry Bomb or Nitronom
Euclid (leader): Azure Gaurdian and Levi Blade
Really not sure about Rulen or Euclid, any ideas?
Technician by nature sounds more like a bomber armor type. Scout, a gunner or fast sword user. Guardian is going to be those big horsed helmed knights.
Euclid, Azure Guardian, consider they've all been wiped out except for the spiral warden in charge of the Shadow Lairs.