Which of these weopens would you prefer to buy?:
Which of these weopens would you prefer to buy?:
any one of thses is fine. voltedge is just slightly harder to obtain...
Fire is a lot more consistent and painful than shock or freeze, which might prevent enemies from suffering the full blast of the charge attack. In FSC the Combuster lacks the fire advantage but the ability to force the target to always ride the full explosion chain gives you a higher and more consistent dps.
This may just be a semantic thing, but you're talking about actually BUYING one of these, not crafting it, yeah? As in, from the AH, or 3500 ce from the supply depot? My recommendation is to invest some time crafting up any of the above yourself. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe you have a chance of UVs on equipment delivered from the supply depot, vs. 4 shots at some UVs crafting from brandish to 5*. UVed equipment is hardly a necessity, but if you decide later on that you want to try for a UV, the expense of rolling UVs with Punch until you get something decent can be cost-prohibitive to new players.
just remember the charge attack consequences of each one to slimes:
combuster ignites oilers (they heal, incinerate oil etc).
voltedge turns quicksilvers hyperactive(it kills other monsters, but heals itself)
glacius re-freezes the ice jelly cubes (their attacks get the freeze possibility back)
but u probably wont use elemental vs slimes....
...to Kraanx: You are c0rrect! w00t!
Just find the style that you think suits you.
Wellllll, I've already made glacius, so I'm not going to buy one of those, and I've started on making a voltedge so that's out.
Fire thaws Ice Cubes, too. I think Freeze puts out Oilers, but am not sure and think it only works reliably with the Vapouriser.
To answer the question in the OP, rather than try to guess what the poster might have meant by it, I'd rather buy the Voltedge. I am not really big on the PvP modes and would rather craft than buy either of the other two- even if not for my already having the Blazebrand up to 4-star and wanting to have recipes learned for the future. If I played the game mostly for PvP and only bothered with the Clockworks to get crowns for PvP, I would probably rather buy the non-Krogmo items.
I find myself using Elemental damage against Slimes quite often, including when I also have a Shadow-type weapon handy. It could go either way, depending on the player and levels. Bonus damage is nice, enough that I often choose to bring a weapon that is uselessly weak vs. some monsters in a level in order to enjoy bonus damage vs. others, but only if it lets me kill things faster and/or more safely. Nightblade over Fireburst does that sometimes, but in my experience not very often since I rarely use the third hit, equip sword bonuses or play on the depths where the damage and HP values line up just right. OTOH, I also often pass up on bonus damage in order to use two weapon classes on a wider variety of monsters. I also find Elemental damage much more useful against most monsters I see with Slimes: Constructs, Undead, and Fiends. (Silkwings) Wolver Dens are the only exception to come to my mind right now, but that's not a place I'd likely want to take any Brandish over my toothpick, even if I actually wanted the Polypectomy 'chievo.
This question is very frequently asked. For example, there was a thread about this a couple of days ago, and it's still on the front page of the the Arsenal forum. Please search or skim the forums, for immediate answers to such questions. My own answer is here.