Keyboard face diagonal
I want to face diagonal.
Right now, I can face up, down, left, or right, by the keyboard.
Playing around with a loading screen, up/down/etc act to move the mouse pointer to a specific spot on the screen.
I see two ways to implement diagonal facing. I'm not sure which is better.
Method 1: 8 different actions for 8 different facings. Default keys are the numpad.
Method 2: Press two "face X" keys, and face both ways -- diagonal.
So "face north" and "Face west" means you face north-west. Not that much different than move north and move west means you move north-west
The resultant act would be to move the mouse pointer to a new specific spot on-screen -- I'm not sure if the (1,1) spot, or the (.7, .7) spot would be better.
Ok, how?
Keep in mind: The goal is to face without moving.
I have WASD for move without changing face, and arrows for changing face without moving.
The goal is robotron style run in one direction, and fire in another.
It's easy enough to do with a mouse for aiming, but neither computer I use has a good mouse set up.
(And truthfully, left-handed mice setup work better for that than right-handed setups. My shoulder from that extra 7 or so inches ...)
Aha! I see what's happening.
Since the key-UPs are not simultaneous, when you let go of the facing keys you are no longer facing diagonal.
... Is it possible to add some sort of "release-fuzz" factor to permit releasing the keys and still face diagonally?

Your keyboard is probably ghosting.
Which means you can't press down more than two keys at a time, or maybe not even two keys at a time.
Change your key set-up.
It's not ghosting, at least on the PC.
On the PC, I verified that I'm having this issue because of key-UP. If I'm holding up-arrow and right-arrow, then I'm facing diagonally. If I let go of them, and just move around with WASD, then one of the arrows will go up first, and then I'm facing orthogonally instead of diagonally.
Need to recheck the mac.
You can already do that, you've just set your keys up wrong.