So I've been reading through the forums and have come across many people saying that they 'farm' all kinds of different bosses (vanaduke, jelly mostly). But aren't these missions? And once you complete the mission, you're given newer ones. So my question, am I just misunderstanding and missions can't be redone? Or can they and how? I've gone to the mission interface page in SK but can't figure anything out besides redoing current missions.
This might not be very clear so, the Hall of Heroes for example. This was a mission earlier on but upon completion of this and the other 4 accompanying missions, a new set is given. Can you return to the previous 4 or 5 missions and return to the Hall of Heroes?
You've got differen missions classification. The rank missions, a progression style. Prestige missions, a once daily type. And the expansions, commonly known as DLC, even though nothing is exactly downloaded.
Rank: The prestige and reward are a once only reward, but the missions are redoable.
Prestige: Think of it as a daily. Like games with interests, once a day. Or runescape rewards/items, where some items are usable once or several times a day before needing to wait for the reset.
Expansion: Rewards are once only. The exception seems to be the mask, but that isn't exactly part of rewards listed. Its more of a craft-able in the mission. These are redoable, and many people do, since it is rather new and contains exclusive enemies.