hi all, yup.. just a random message/thread... yup.. the slimes and trees in this prestige level have started talking to me ;) lol..interesitng new feature ? :)
the slimes and trees have started chatting to me :)
lol ;D
@flists, yup thats the one, its funny great for april fools ;D
..i mentioned it in haven 4...and ppl were like .. "eh ??!?! what..is firebellie mad ??" ...lol :)
@Batabii lol .. ApRiL FoOl !!!! ;D (hope you were looking for tree stumps that talked)
...yup...lumbers not.."trees"
..but..lumbers..are quite tree-like :)
LOL..i just had a friend ...umm... "logged"... it was liek the usual logged in or logged out..apart from just says....
"Your friend "friendsname" has logged"
...hahahahaha ;D
enjoy the ApRiL FoOls Day people :)
Uuuhhhh. Trees don't talk. Are you feeling okay?
*cough* they are just trying to prank us making us see monsters talk and have emotes *cough*
lol !!!!! ;D
yup happy april fools people :D
(hence why i say what i say... happy april fools hahahaha :D)
yup soulstaker thats right ;D same as Flists said too :)
(i know this... happy april fools rest of ya`ll ;D)
(anyone thinking this is a normal thread.. move along.. its just for fun :).. april 1st fun :D)
and ... <3 elo mr.admin, have a good fun day mate :)
April Fools'!