How do you feel about today?
I feel it was a nice break from the norms of Spiral Knights. People weren't arguing about balance issues, less people were begging, and overall I saw more people having fun. The talking monsters gave us some nice laughs, and the appearances of the GMs was a nice experience (for those who saw them. I didn't see them... /sigh) Thank you Spiral Knights staff for this day where most of the players were able to enjoy some silliness, away from much of the seriousness that usually occurs in the game, along with its community. Also, I liked the uncovering of the "secret" forums, it was quite entertaining. And, finally, that party in Haven 8 was awesome!
Feelings on Today (4-1-12)
Sun, 04/01/2012 - 16:09
Sun, 04/01/2012 - 16:37
Simple April Fools...that's how it should be.
I like how today was a simple April Fools joke. Something harmless and where everyone can get giggles on it XD
certainly entertaining it kept me occupied