I come back and eury is njthug? What's next, jim-dale is nick? Awkward sause.
So I haven't played this game in forever...
Well, I know I'm not Chronus. Nope, not him at all.
why am i supposed to distinguish between forum posters, it wouldnt make a difference anyway if the whole community consisted of the staff only
the outcome is the same
I'm the only person who has successfully appealed a forum ban.
Where is my thread?
I mean you can't talk in 3rd person all the time...
I never left and I don't have any idea what you're talking about.
Orangeo, you missed a lot. Never leave and come back again.
no, do the exact opposite, leave and never come back, don't get addicted! :C
Hah, I'm addicted to a korean import game right now >.>
They add 7's to the end of each money-purchase item, so I haven't spent a dime. Plus the suggestions there are useless, seeing as they just purchase patches (With bugs) from korea.
I came back as a joke to see if there were still pets threads.
I remember you, we "commented" on renpartycat threads.
He's the greatest troll ever, duh.
He got off the forum. I can find his last post, or just search up venom veiler in arsenal.
I hear he's still ingame though.
Conspiracy Keanu.
What if all the popular forum people were actually mods?