Has anyone figured out how to get Warlord Seerus in Spiral Spy? i really need some pictures of him for reference and I also need to figure out how much bigger than both your standard Gremlin Thwacker and your standard Knight he is. If anyone could slap together a scene file for me or something, I'd really, really appreciate it.
SPIRALSPY HELP: Warlord Seerus
Sun, 04/01/2012 - 19:30
Mon, 04/02/2012 - 13:50
Actually, he is labelled as
Actually, he is labelled as "cogmaster"
Sat, 04/07/2012 - 23:06
I'm a complete cussing
I'm a complete cussing imbecile and was looking in my old SK Preview Event folder instead of my Steam folder.
Thanks for the help, though. Still don't know just how much bigger he is than a regular gremlin though.
Sun, 04/08/2012 - 04:09
It's a little hard to tell because when you're fighting him, you have a very top-view perspective, but my best estimate is that he's about 50% larger than a Darkfang Thwacker (which are somewhat larger than most other gremlins).
I believe the Seerus model is under the "Crimson Order" heading in the files. That is rcsc/character/npc/monster/gremlin/crimsonorder/Warmaster. Etc. one thing to note tho, the model is not scaled correctly so viewing it will not give any information on the size relation between Seerus and a knight.