If the price you pay for CE is the last trade price, then if someone were to trade 100 CE for 1 CR would everyone be able to buy 100 CE for 1 CR?
Idk this might have been asked other times and the market probably doesnt work the way I think it does, but I justed wanted to check.
How does the CE market work?
ok so if someone did trade 100ce for 1cr everyone would be able to buy 100ce for 1cr?
Only if there is someone still offering 100ce for 1cr.
When/if there is no-one offering that, it'll go to the next lowest number, such as 100ce:2cr.
The market is player based, you buy things at a price that someone has set.
Also, it dosen't let you skip to the front of the line, to my knowlage. Say bob makes an offer to sell his 100 CE for 5 crowns, then jim puts one to sell for 4. Bob would come before jim, then jim would be the lowest and go next. However, if bill posts an offer for 3, he will come before jim, but still after bob.
Other than that, it basicaly just finds the guy willing to trade for the cheapest price.
if someone were to trade 100 CE for 1 CR, then the first player that manages to click on it will get it and thats it.
After one buys it, it will dissapear and everything will go back to normal.
You pay as much as the top (cheapest) offer is.
If Person A went to trade 100CE for 1cr, but he was the only one to do so, it would go to the next top offer when this offer is bought, for example Person B's offer of 2cr. The last trade price will show that the last trade was 1cr.