What's the worst mistake you ever made in Spiral Knights?
So, this thread is to comment on the mistake above you, then put down your own.
I'll start off:
Comment: N/A since I'm first xD
My Mistake: I put Prismatic Glow Eyes, from a lockbox, on AH for 100k when I was still kinda new. I looked at the featured auctions later and realized I could've made more money at the time.
The Worst Mistakes Thread

@OP: At least you made someone very happy~
@Ironskullkid: it wasn't that great... Unless talking monsters wasnt the only thing
My greatest mistake in spiral knight yet? ... Hmm. Probably rolling punch with a Khorovod 3 times until I just upgraded it and got a double UV anyways.

Bringing an umbra driver to FSC... and then fighting Vanaduke while still carrying it

@Princeberton Hope you had another weapon :D
My biggest mistake... Probably going into fsc who knows HOW long ago when I only had Ash Tail armor, an Ascended Calibur, and a Silversix on my old (laggy) computer.

Ouch. That'll teach me not to double-check the item I'm auctioning.

I got a Pepperbox to pull menders. Also, I discovered that I can be with no shield equipped, and with only one weapon equipped.

"Probably rolling punch with a Khorovod"
That was mistake enough, I think. ;)
My biggest mistake? Hmmmmmmmm....
Coming to the forums and having hours of my life sucked out of me.

Severage's mistake: You should try to search up useful stuff instead of blindly browsing around. Then you will not waste up too much time.
My worst mistake ever:
1) When I was a newbie, I bought a Calibur from another player with 3k cr, thinking that it was worth it. I checked the AH, and I was like: OMG *trollface*
2) I'm a gunslinger now, and I didn't even bother to use the Calibur, which was bound to me, still lying in my arsenal collecting dust... Why did I even THINK of buying that in the first place?! *double trollface*

Bought a LOAD of unneeded recipes before missions came out.
Blew through 2,000CE on an FSC run and still failed (Recent)
And finally, rolling on my Grand Flourish THREE times, Went from fiend low to slime low, then to beast low, and then back to fiend low.

Rolling my Acheron and getting fiend VH.
Course that fixed itself later when I rolled again and got Construct High

I once clicked on "Trade" instead of "Inspect."
At least you only have to do it once to make damn sure the cursor is over Inspect instead of Trade for the rest of your SK career. :|

I wasted my energy on crafting a 3-star Owlite Shield, then ended up selling it anyways because it was so fugly.

5* owlite is even worst, aesthetically and stat-wise. Thank god you didn't craft it up.
I know I did...

The grey Owlite shield does not look fugly. Then again, opinions are opinions.

Used 11,000CE on my first Shadow Lair run for Snarbolax set when i probably would've been better off buying it off someone else... :\
I also went in FSC in Scary Skelly Set with a Vile Striker and a Super Blaster soo you can imagine how that turned out for me....(including laggy computer in this magnificent package)

err worst mistake i've ever had?......never had any (Captain Falcon doesn't make mistakes)

lol, i bought a stone tortoise recipe back in november for 400CE and 5,000crs thinking it was the actual shield, lol

Hmmm.... I spent 500 ce on some JK run on reviving the whole party when I was a noob. Really delayed me from getting 3*

Putting divine mecha wings on Ah, not knowing how to preview through a stranger, as the c/o of 500kcr and b/o as 2mcr being scared that if i put it too low someone would bid on it and i would loose it. Spent 25k on previewing an item which i could've done for free in less than 10 seconds.
I also made that move to spend a revive in my first fsc run of 7400ce. Smart me. /cheer
Lastly, I make that legendary play to wear a level 1 vog set, when going into my first ice queen shadow lair, my purpose was to level my ash tail to make snarb, which got to 9 1/2 and I couldn't make my snarb. I eventually got into another shadow lair, about 25 minutes after the first, and made my snarby.

I wasn't paying attention when I told someone I wanted the prismatic wings that they were selling, I thought they were prismatic valk wings, but they were pristmatic dragon wings... I ended up buying prismatic dragon wings. Totally my fault. lol.
So... apparently I now have an extra prismatic dragon wings that I'm selling. :D

Edit: 2nd fail in my comment, we didn't make it through d25 (Charred Court)

Comment: Eh, it's understandable if it was your first time.
My newest fail: I spent 80k on my Valkyrie Mail to go from Normal Med to Shadow Med. Along that line were countless lows.

so i barely play LD had 50 tokens told myself hey lets get shockburst (to sulivan I go) accidentaly pressed electron but i swear i cancelled it then wala i bought an electron XD :D more LD for me
Missed the April Fool's Day Event.