I just did todays prestige mission on an alt and when i got to the war machine it was a devilte one. 8 spawned at the beggining 2 bosses and the rest were normal. At first i thought i would just run around them and shoot at the machine when it was exposed because i had a silent nightblade and a valiance and knew there was no way i was gonna kill them, but there was 2 spawners in the room and they were not after death spawners. Before i knew it there was 20 devilite overtimers and 8 yes men. They kept spawning at around 30 seconds per spawner. Is this how this room was meant to be made? You have no chance of winning if you don't have a pierce weapon or a group? Also who would bring a pierce weapon to a construct mission? Sorry if i seem like i'm just complaning but that room was just disheatening and i want to know if that is how it is meant to be.
What is up with the devilite war machine room?
The problem with that is they respawn in the place of one of the minions when they die, there was no way i was gonna kill them fast enough with a silent nightblade, and there was no idea i could have seen that coming. What you said does make sense, the devilite that spawned does not exist anymore i suppose but that needs to be fixed. That room is impossible if you don't know what is gonna happen and let them stock pile.
Next time check the depth theme, then you will know what wep you should equip
It was the construct daily prestige mission. had no idea it was gonna come, and i bring silent nightblade for the healers.
The gremlins outsourced their security to the devilites. With hard working, cheaper labor, they could afford to hire more security forces to guard their machines. It appears to have worked. d=
I've run into this room as well. The problem is, the mission "Assault on Machine Shop 13" is all constructs and gremlins, so you'd likely bring elemental or shadow weapons, and elemental defense gear. None of that will help you against a surprise mass of devilites.
Fortunately, the last room seems to be random, so it was doable on the second attempt. Its a bit of a rude surprise though.
I was thinking about posting something suggesting a fix for this same level.
I got it as well yesterday for my vanguard prestige mission.
Given what the gate map showed (and I'm familiar with the "Machine Shop" missions, I thought :P) I equipped with elemental and shadow weapons and set out to finish the level.
As the OP posted, I figured I would kill the machine and leave the fiends alone. Same as him, it kept spawning more and in no time there was a horde.
It didn't help that the machine seemed to be dealing pure shadow damage, and given that I was all set for a construct/gremlin level I had my volcanic demo suit on.
I died in no time and watched from the floor as more and more devilites spawned.
If there was warning that the gremlin/construct/fire level level was going to suddenly become a fiend/fire level it would have been fine - I would have brought a piercing weapon and shadow defense.
If the devilites didn't endlessly spawn (I presume unless you kill the bosses as soon as you get there) it would have been manageble with the gear I had (Acheron, Glacius, and Master Blast Bomb.)
As an aside, I went along with a guildmate earier tonight to do his prestige mission as well. He got a fire themed one as well which turned out to be a different final room. Worried that it would be devilites again, I brought my Dark Briar Barrage, but it turned out to be a different room that I'd seen before, one with the machine in the middle with a pit around it so that you can't reach it. When I'd seen it before it was tough, but just took some good shield work, as it launched rockets over the pit at us.
This one's a frustrating fight if you don't have a gun, but there are respawning firepots in the corners. The only problem was, it was a fire themed level so the robot seemed to be immune to fire. It was a depth 25 level, and the firepots were doing 8 damage to the bot from the impact, and no fire.
I found that I could do about 120 damage with my piercing bomb which only JUST reached the robot over the gap.
Along each side was also a respawning tier 3 fire gun puppy on a little light that you couldn't walk over (I presume so that you can't just stand on the spawner and keep it from spawning.) Because of this layout you couldn't collect the hearts or vitapods that they were dropping which made it even more frustrating. XD
For someone with only swords, the level would have been essentially impossible to beat. I'm all for encouraging a varied arsenal and all of that stuff, but this one just seemed unfair. 8 damage at a time to a tier 3 boss robot isn't realistic for a normal level. :-\
I've seen a few different evil, evil machines on these levels that were hard but interesting (with oilers and quicksilvers and piles of shocking goo and hazes.) Those ones were tough, and offered neat surprises that required some quick thinking. They were definitely beatable, though.
These two that I saw this time were definitely more on the side of unfair.
haha, yea, generally constructs are accompanied by gremlins, so I'd bring elemental and shadow attack.
I don't have a problem with fiends at the end, because elemental works fine on fiends and the main theme is constructs. By yourself, I can see it being incredibly hard if it spawns unreasonably fast. In a group of 3 or more, you'd just have to have 2 guys dedicated to fiends. I think I've ran into this battlepod + spawners in a group of 4, but yea, they need to fix the spawning issue. I don't think they need to remove the challenge of not knowing exactly what will be at the end. It makes it fun.
@Toastnaut - The battlepods are immune to every status, so fire theme or not, those pots are going to do minimal damage. Next time, either bring friends, or better weapons. Refusing to bring anything but swords is their problem, not the games. The game doesn't need to be molded so that people who fail to prepare themselves can have a walk through the park.
i always have a percing wep in a construct misson cause of gremlin menders
Yeah, I wasn't alone and the level ended up going well. My teammate who I was there supporting for the level had a gun, and the bot died easily. Given how much damage the Dark Briar Barrage does to the bots it would have been easy solo with what I had too.
I'd never shoehorn myself into having only one weapon type and I always try to have a varied loadout. As it turned out the level went well, but I've played with plenty of players who only have swords.
Having a level that you can't beat if you only bring swords isn't really fair, given how many players play that way.
I definitely agree that levels shouldn't be molded so that people who restrict themselves have a walk in the park. However, having only one type of weapon should at worst make the level difficult, not basically impossible.
I honestly really like the battlepod levels, but I think there are a few variations that might need some tweaking or slight changes so that they aren't a nightmare for most players.
XD that is actually reeeeaalllyyy funny! I think what happened is that, when the devilites were promoted, they didn't retain their original unit identity, and the spawner thought it was supposed to spawn again because the enemy it originally spawned no longer existed.
Try killing the pit bosses first next time XD