Ive been going through kind of a hard time... Warning: Do Not Read

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Diamondshreddie's picture

Lately, a lot has been going on with me.

  • -I went to a 4 day animation camp after spring break
  • -Next day I had surgery on my nose
  • -the anesthetic and painkillers gave me frequent headaches and drowsiness for the next 3 days
  • -my stomach was upset by the painkillers and caused me to regurgitate, which caused pressure on my nose.
  • -as the pain and drowsiness from my surgery cooled down recently, I decided I would draw something the next day, I hadn't drawn something in a while and I do enjoy it.
  • -on the ride to school today, I was casually cracking my neck, and ended up spraining it... Very painful.
  • -When I got home, my neck was still hurting, and I had a pain in my gut.
  • -I later had an uncontrollable fit of shakiness in my limbs, difficulty of breathing, restlessness, and increasing heart rate.
  • -after dinner, I discovered I was also constipated, which as funny as it sounds... Really isn't
  • On top of all that... I'm now a week behind in school

So... I'm just feeling horrible right now :/
Thanks to all my friends who were there to cheer me up on spiral knight when I was able to get on

Eldibs's picture
My condolences, but I would

My condolences, but I would assume that painkillers would give you the opposite of a headache.

Flists's picture
I feel for you man, but are

I feel for you man, but are the public forums really the best place to post these kinds of things? I would share my thanks privately with my friends on SK, but maybe that's just me.

Winford's picture
wow that sucks

but 4 day animation camp that sounds awesome

Pokenuevo's picture
I'm sorry to hear about that,

I'm sorry to hear about that, hopefully, as Winford said, the animation camp was enjoyable. It sounds like your feeling at least a little better to be going on the forums. Good luck making up school! I know how difficult that could be!

Xylka-Mkii's picture
Wow sorry all that happened.

Wow sorry all that happened.

Boodo's picture
Sorr that happened

I hope u fell better

Princeberton's picture
Live long and prosper

Man, that just stinks.
I'll be praying for you :)

Fallconn's picture

what Princeberton said

Oroseira's picture
Hoooo god.

That's awful.

But the worse part of my christmas vacation was:
I was vomiting alot. So much, I felt like I was gonna puke my organs out and die.

Iron-Volvametal's picture

Still not as bad as to going to Church at 10AM to 8:30PM doing absolutely nothing, but Sitting on a hard steel chair, listening to about 10 long songs about Jesus, & not being able to talk the entire time(which wouldn't matter, since I knew no one there). When I got out, my butt was sore, stomach a growling, & to top it off, didn't touch anything Electronical all day. Oh, & did I mention this was on a Saturday? Also, I have NO Internet at my House, so I have to talk to you do with my Brother's Phone. I asked how long we'll be Offline: She said 2 Weeks. My Elevator Pass Expires in 7 Days.

TL;DR I haz no Interwebz & am now an Athiest...Family doesn't care. FreddieMercurySuccess.png

Guardianknight's picture
@Diamondshreddie: What


What Fallconn said.

Rangerwillx's picture

That sucks. Horribly.
Hopefully, the camp was OK and you can do some stuff with IRL friends.

What guardianknight said.

Umbrawave's picture

I hope the best for you :)

Dukeplatypus's picture
OP, you have my

OP, you have my condolences.
And welcome to the club, Iron. God, I hated high holiday services, fasting, and passover.

The-Ark's picture
I once woke up in the middle

I once woke up in the middle of the night and puked on and off for 8 hours. On Christmas. But thats not so bad compared to yours. Get well soon!

Jadebla's picture
Hey man if you have any math

Hey man if you have any math questions that you are stuck on I can always help. I am an accelerated 7th grader doing 8th grade math. :) sorry to hear about that though. What Fallcon said.

Soupgenie's picture
Dang, what are the odds?

Could be worse though, at least you didn't die.

Iron-Volvametal's picture

He hasn't replied yet, so I think we should check that one down.

Iamnoone's picture
and then you came to SK's forum

and got Fallconn punched. I hope it wasn't in the nose. Maybe next week will be better for you. If not, duck when Fallconn swings.