I'm just curious about these. It seems that just about... well, ANYTHING in the game that does a right hand swipe has a rather... insane reach. By insane, I mean totally undodgable. It seems as if you're even so much as behind them, or anywhere within about two knights of them, they're going to hit you with that swipe. Even if you try to get AWAY from them, it still seems to be able to hit you a good majority of the time.
So I'm just asking, is it just me, or is it actually a case where the hitboxes actually extend a considerable distance past their actual limb/hand? Is it glitched, or is that just how it's supposed to be?
I dunno but I've been hit by more than one mecha knight that I was sure I was out of reach... I do know lumbers used to have insane reach but they fixed them.