It seems like every ctr vh brandish, or status bomb in the Bazaar is now asking for 40k ce. Is that what they are going for now? It just seems like a couple impatient people paid that for a SS asi vh. And then one impatient guy paid 40k for a brandish ctr vh and FoV ctr vh. And since then people think that's what they are worth. And i've seen wts troika asi vh 55k!!! ASI VH DVS 40k ce!!! These prices completely ambitious right? Are they worth that now? Is that the going rate? I'm a bit confused to how they would have nearly doubled in value, when the supply of them hasn't significantly reduced.
Have prices drastically changed for ctr vh items?
I was saying this months ago, CTR VH prices are overvalued (much more so now). I had a person try to charge me 40k CE for a ss ctrvh months ago and was surprised I wouldn't go past 30kce.
Honestly, I don't think the buyers are out there. I would be surprised if transactions at those prices are occurring very often.
40kce for FOV is probably within a little reason (not much), as I recall a ctrvh/asilow one went for like 40kce a few months back.
35k tops for VH, 30k is much more normal. The prices you have seen are way too ambitious if you ask me, and clearly not worth it. I could nearly afford a full black rose set for that much.
LoL at the Troika though XD. That guy is a nutter.
The high price for those ctr vh had further be encourage due to the recent sales of 20k ce.
price will match what people are willing to pay. Obviously you think 40kce is too much, but with the sale on the 20kce maybe some people are willing to buy at such high prices. If sales aren't taking place, prices will drop to what people are willing to pay.
Personally, If I want CTR Max, I'll throw on a trinket for 2kce and buy a CTR Med UV for ~2kce. Much cheaper and gets the same results.
People want the Voltedge because it shoots blue sparks and you have to visit the most loved fiend in the game to get it.
I've. Boughten a Ctr vh ss for 20kce twice. But I'm sad brandishes are selling for so high now, because Voltedge is on such a high demand.
It has truly only been in the last month or two that everything has started to sky-rocket. Max and Very High gear has definitely gone up 150% in price, however accessories have tripled, even gone 5x their previous price.
Featured Auctions
These "Before" prices are from auctions from the last 2 months. The price has been doubling each month.
Before: Divine Dapper Combo: 421,337
Now: Divine Dapper Combo: 1,260,000
Before: Twinkle Aura: 370,000
Now: Twinkle Aura: 3,300,000
Before: Prismatic Halo: 1,420,000
Now: Prismatic Halo: 5,241,337
Before: Prismatic Wings: 1,515,526
Now: Prismatic Wings: 7,871,337
I do agree with Icycloud that the CE promo is a factor in contributing to this rise.
Do stars also contribute to the value because 5 months I sold a CTR vh freezing vaporizer for 100k cr without knowing the value although I felt that was about right. Oh well, what's done is done.
While CTR for swords is nice, CTR for bombs is EVERYTHING.
Saw someone selling a Winmillion ASI VH for 40k CE.
ctr vh freezing for 100kcr was a huge loss for you, its basically the most important bomb in the game
"Well, unlike CE market..."
Put on your tinfoil hats and gather 'round the trash can fires, kids! It's Conspiracy Time with Asukalan!
You look at the wrong places to buy those things. I myself have gotten some vhs and ive sold them pretty cheap.
Dark Thorn Blade ctr VH for only 10k ce (including unbind)
Silver six with ASI vh (Traded for items worth 25k ce)
So you look for the right person and you will get a good deal.
Sure, the items are overvalued. But why is that bad? Many sellers still go by the old pricies. These fake, new prices are good for making money.
No practical problems here, at least for us.
Also, Pawn. Look at how many CE is being injected into the market, contrasted with how many CE sinks have been implemented. See a discreptancy?
well, damage bonus versus pros VH is still worth 9001k ce on any weapon
Well, unlike CE market,
UVed items market IS driven by players. Supply and demand..