Could anyone post some images of Slag Guards into this thread? I would greatly appreciate it if you could.
I don't mind if they aren't perfect images, but all I want is various pictures showing multiple sides of the monster.
Slag Guard Images
You gotta remember that not every one uses Spiral Spy, either from Technical Issues or not knowing what to do.
This is the only pic I have with slag guards in it:
Don't mind if I look like a noob, this was my 2nd time at Vana.
From the SK Wiki. You should check the wiki out sometime, it is full of amazing things all SK related.
That is all.
Thanks for that picture, it is quite helpful.
I've already seen this image, it isn't very helpful as it is too small.
Where exactly do I go to get Spiral Spy? If you could, would you be able to send me a link?
I now want the Volcanic Demo Suit to look like a Slag Guard's Armor.
You could use spiral spy. Much easier way to see all mobs, gear, etc.