I was wondering if you could find a Creep Cake nest in a mission other than the Caketastrophe. Also, can you get a prismatic cake mask without buying cakes or energy with real money?
Cake tokens and Prismatic mask

I suppose it's theoretically possible to find a cake nest on another mission, as long as the level was clockworks-themed, but in the end it will be way easier to hunt for them in gates--look for a gate that has multiple chances at finding a clockworks level (or an easily accessible level that will deliver a guaranteed clockwork level that you can farm repeatedly, as sweet-hope already mentioned). Iron knight has 9 chances at a clockworks level from t1 to right before the twins, including chances at a clockworks on the ?s.

I've don't recall ever seeing a danger room in a clockwork tunnels mission, I doubt the cakes show up there either.

Clockwork tunnels are the only levels where you can find danger rooms.

Buy Energy
Sell Energy for crown
Buy 100 cake slices from Bulky (100,000 crown)
Sell 100 cake slices to Maskwell
Enjoy your Prismatic mask
So, yes, you can get them with real money, kinda-sorta-not-really
Your math is a little off Toxicyoccm.
It's 1 million crowns for 100 cake slices. Just saying...

It is very possible. Do T1, only search depth 1's of clockwork gear levels. That way you won't use crowns to join a level, and you can try 10 levels per day if you don't have an ele pass and don't want to use up CE (9 if you use 10 ME on the prestige mission for tokens).
I have an ele pass and was able to get my mask in a few hours, but it shouldn't take more than 3 or so days to get it using only ME assuming you don't have an ele pass.
Good luck!

I just did an entire T1 run only to find no Cake Nests at all :/
and at least 2 of the rooms had Danger Rooms in them too
Say, can anyone show pics of what the entrance to the Cake nests look like?

No, but I can tell you this: cake rooms do NOT replace danger rooms. Twice, I came upon a cake room right next to a danger room!
I can also tell you that clockwork tunnels are not the only level on which cake rooms will spawn. Here's the list of the levels I personally found cake rooms in (This is by no means complete or definitive! This is just my personal experience):
Power Complex (many different themes, including beast, but especially mechanized mile)
Clockwork Tunnels
Cooling Chamber
I'd suggest you farm T1 gates with the above levels listed on the gate map. An even better idea would be to split up with friends/guild members, then have anyone who comes across a cake room send out invites.

Anything with a gear symbol that is not a deconstruction zone has a chance of spawning a cake nest.

@Sodaaddict - clockwork tunnels have no status. Power Complex is a shock based clockwork tunnel, and cooling chamber is a freeze based clockwork tunnel.
So, as flists said, anything with a gear symbol that isn't a decon zone can have a cake nest because all of them are clockwork tunnels.

What do you mean clockworks themed levels? Not boss levels? I dont have an ele pass, so just try gear iconed levels?
Also, why do you recommend knight gates and only depth one?

But are not the open spaced levels, but the more path-like levels.

You know the symbols on gate maps and the elecators to next stage?
Well, if that symbol is a gear, then there is a very good chance that it is a clockwork tunnels-style level, in which creep cakes (I call em evil jelly-filled cupcakes) make their nests.
You want cake? Go towards the gears man, the geeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrssss~

I just find a gate with a few depths having mostly gear symbols, as Qazxedcv says. (ATM for me it's iron knight gate T2, made loads off that's since it's depth 9)
EDIT: Still a LLOOOONNNGGG way off for me, only had time for 4 runs or so.
Elevator pass FTW!!
Oh and btw, just pay some cr and buy slots for cake runs. we used to do that in punkin runs. so why not now?

Yes it's possible to get cake slices from the levels. To get cake slices you must find cake nests. Cake nests have a chance of appearing in the following levels:
- Clockwork Tunnels
- Power Complex
- Cooling Chamber
- Blast Furnace
- Wasteworks
Do not confuse the Clockwork Tunnels with Deconstruction Zones. The clockwork tunnels and the deconstruction zones are marked by the same gear-like icon. Cake nests appear in clockwork tunnels. Cake nests do not appear in deconstruction zones.
If you are running on finite energy, then it's a good idea to check the gate map before entering the next level. You don't waste your energy and time entering deconstruction zones.
Once you know where to go you will want to know what to look for.
- This is what the entrance to a cake nest looks like.
- This is what the cake nest looks like before you step on the party button.
If you want to get the prismatic helm quickly, my suggestion is to buddy up with 3 others who have the same goal. Make sure everyone has an elevator pass. Have everyone speed run the correct levels. If one person finds a cake nest, then they should invite everyone else to that instance. Clear the cake nest together, then return to haven. Repeat until you all have the helm. With four people searching for cake nests it shouldn't take too long to acquire 100 cake slices.
If you don't want to buy an elevator pass, then buddy up with someone who has brought an elevator pass and ask if they will invite you to any cake nests they find. In fact, there's currently a thread dedicated to this purpose. You may want to check it out.
If you want to try your luck with your mist energy, then I highly suggest either Tier 1 of the emerald queen gate or Depth 9 of the Iron Knight Gate. The Iron Knight gate is about to rotate out, so get in while you can.

To anyone who thinks that creep cake lairs replace danger rooms, let me debunk that myth right here
Creep Cake lairs appear in any clockwork or gremlin ground level.
idk if you can get the mask with real money. but if you want more tokens you can go to the clockworks any level with clockwork theme has a chance to have a cake nest. i suggest you to try to go to Onyx knight portal, Tier 2. after moorcraftmanor there only 2 possible clockwork level so you have more chances to easily Farm tokens there right now i have 15 tokens farming on that level. once you find the nest a defeat them. go up and repeat the process.