I played this game for a few months, roughly last Summer. I quit around the start of October. When I came back recently, I was no longer in a guild. I'd assume that I was kicked from my former guild (Timeless) for inactivity, which is perfectly reasonable. But now that I'm back, I'd like to join a guild again.
I'm hoping to find a decent number of players who play the game roughly the way I do. The basic theme is, I play for fun, not for loot. It's not that I don't want loot; it's that I don't care if looping a tiny subset of the game's content endlessly gives the best loot. It's not fun, so I won't do it.
I mostly do tier 3, with an occasional tier 2 run to unlock tier 3 of a gate so that I don't have to pay 500 crowns to start a run every time. I want a guild with a good number of players who do tier 3 in the clockworks and can handle themselves rather than having to be flagrantly carried through everything. I don't care if you also have people who aren't ready for tier 3 (whether for reasons of skill or gear), so long as they don't jump into content that they can't handle.
I don't go to Basil and then bail out. I usually go all the way to the core, at least if I started on tier 3. Not just try to go to the core, but succeed at it.
I'll do Vanaduke occasionally, but not very often. Now that the Jelly King battle has been completely redone, Vanaduke is surely the single most badly designed level in the game, and horribly buggy on top of that. I don't care if your guild does Vanaduke sometimes or not, but if 90%+ of your guild's tier 3 runs are targeted at Vanaduke, then I'm not interested in your guild. I have a Crest of Almire, and have no further use for Vanaduke tokens, anyway.
I don't often wait at gates, unless I need to go to the bathroom or some such. I don't have much patience for people who want to spend 1/3 of their time waiting for the perfect next gate to roll around. I can understand intentionally waiting for the gate to change in some rare circumstances (e.g., to avoid a particularly hard gate when you're in sixth stratum and close to getting Dauntless Delver), but if you want to sit and wait for every single arena, we're not going to stay in the same group for long.
I do most danger rooms. Occasionally I'll skip one if I'm in a fairly weak group and it's an especially hard room that I likely won't be able to carry the group through.
Often I do completely open PUGs. Sometimes I'll restrict the group to friends and guild members. Occasionally I just want to solo.
I don't swear or use other perverse language. It doesn't particularly bother me if someone cusses every once in a while, but if it's every other line, that will bother me. I don't care if guilds that allow heavy use of profanity exist; I just don't want to be in one.
I do PVE, not PVP. I tried blast network once, and couldn't make sense of it. I expected it to be basically a multi-player Bomberman, and it wasn't.
I generally want to log on and play when I have time and feel like it. If your guild tries to preschedule anything, then assume that I won't show up. If you constantly try to grab people for Vanaduke runs, assume I won't come very often. If your guild tries to tell people what they have to do and when, then you don't want me in your guild.
For me, joining a guild has two purposes. First, it's a chat channel, and hence people to chat with while playing the game. Second, it's people to group with for my tier 3 clockworks runs. Both of those require having a decent number of active players. I don't expect to constantly see 20 people in the guild online (not that I'd be against that), but I also don't want to commonly be the only guild member online.
So what can I offer your guild? A competent player who can and has soloed nearly everything in tier 3, and can contribute to or, if necessary, sometimes carry a group. Obviously, I'd make a lot more sense for your guild if you also like to do tier 3, non-Vanaduke runs than if you don't. I have 41 pieces of five star gear, which breaks down as 10 trinkets and 31 other pieces with full heat, so I have reasonable gear for any content available.
If interested in inviting me to your guild, contact me in-game. We can try a tier 3 run, perhaps in the Jade Titan gate, which I think is the most interesting one up right now.
Hello, Quasirandom, think you'd like KaD, also referred to as Knights and Day.
We are a Tier 3 guild that does GvG pretty frequently, but mainly do runs. As you said yourself-We play for fun.
More in depth, we've been here since beta, but we disbanded before Beta ended, and came back around early May or so. Alas, a decent bit of our members have quit the game, but we got back up to our peak of 99-100. We'd love to have you in KaD, always looking for more players. I probably won't be on much more later this week until the weekend, and if you're free then, I'll give you a quick run in FSC, or perhaps run a change from FSC (for me) such as RT, whatever works best for you, so I can get to know you a little better, if you want. If not, no worries, I understand, some people arn't as social as others. One of the downsides that you may not want to join KaD for, is the fact that we tend to do FSC a decent bit, and as you said in your guild, you don't really want a fully-based FSC guild. Anyway, send me (Bigfootm) a mail ingame, and we can work something out if you do decide to join.
Lastly, welcome back to the community. :)
Edit: Herp Derp, may help if I post this here. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/12099