I noticed that the Sentenza and Blackhawk both fire at the same speeds as Antigua. They also seem to have the same range, somehow. Is this intended? The Argent series seems to fire faster and with a longer range compared to Sentenza.
Here's a cropped snapshot of the range:
Sentenza and Blackhawk speed + range issues
I don't have Argent :(
I've used Antigua a fair bit when I was fooling around in ATH, I'm pretty sure the range and speed are very close to that of Blackhawk and Sentenza. I haven't got an image of Silversix/Argent Peacemaker yet, although I've seen friends with greater ranges when using Silversix and Argent, greater speeds too, although the speed part might be client-sided, so I'm not sure :L
If you want to try testing out the ranges, specifically for the charge attack of both, try Roarmulus, depth 16, at the 2 paths portion with missles and a switch. For some reason or another, I could hit the switch for the missle with blackhawk with charge, but I couldn't hit it with Sentenza. I'm pretty sure I fired from the same spot too, so... would like to get some info on if Peacemaker can hit the switch and if Silversix can or can't as well.
You should do (Or have someone do) a similar image with an AP to ensure accuracy, rather than speculation.
I don't use both, so I'm not positive if they're the same or not.